Nancy (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Ning Hernandez (NH) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Window Replacement
David Sherf will write the letter to Hadco. The board will wait for a month once DS sends the letter. After that we could send it to collections if deemed to be effective. If collections is successful, we would receive 66% of the $250.00.
107 Laundry Room Floor
David has been talking to Doug about the finding behind the walls of the laundry room.
- MA to let us know when the contract with the laundry provider renews
- MA to email the specs to the board, and then rebid with inclusion of the firewall.
- MA also to check status the bid from March 16.
Item Complete.
Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
MA to schedule the work with Chiccarelli & Pires ($1600). They will probably be available mid October.
Water Damage/Leaks Due to the March 15 Storm
Both units 107-18 and 107-19 had previously agreed to the skylight replacement, but the work has not been done yet. (107-19 is under agreement to sell, and there is a contingency in the P&S to replace the skylight.) The two units are doing the work together. MA expects that the work will be complete within the next couple of weeks. MA to let the board when skylight work is being scheduled. (DM would like to meet with the contractor before the work is started.)
MA scheduled Cresent Paint to come and repair the ceiling in the 107 common area on the top floor for 9/23/2010, because renters have been complaining about the hole in the ceiling. The board still wants to wait to fix the ceiling until work on the skylights is complete. MA to reschedule the work with Crescent Paint.
Roof Replacement
MA provided the board with the proposals for the installation of the white replacement roofing materials.
- US Roofing - $75,075 (the lowest)
- Maurice Richard - $78,000
Carlisle (makes the roofing material) has the best manufacturing warranty in the business. DM to check what the Carlisle specifications are (as the proposal states that the roofing will be installed per Carlisle specs).
The board discussed the pros and cons of white PVC roofing, particularly in a dense urban environment.
- The white roof reflects more light, and does not absorb as much heat as the traditional roofing
- Good in the summer
- Maybe not so good in the winter
- In an urban environment, the white roof would get dirty faster. (Once it is dirty, it is no longer as efficient as it is designed to be.
- The white roofing is most successful in the South and South West.
- The white roofing is most often used in an industrial setting, not for one building.
- Maurice Richard: you can paint a black roof white for the same effect. The downside is that you will have to repaint it.
- PVC is carcinogenic. If the white roof is installed, there will be no possibility of a roof deck.
MA to get references for similar buildings from US Roofing with white roofing over 10 years old, and ask these associations for feedback.
We currently have a contractor spec, not an engineering spec. DM suggested that it would be helpful to have an engineering spec for the roof, to make sure that everything is done correctly, and nothing is missed. An engineering spec should cost no more than $4000. An engineering spec can be re-used indefinitely. With the engineering spec, we would need to re-bid the roof work. The board decided to consider getting the engineering spec for the roof. MA to obtain several bids for the engineering spec.
There is space under the roof deck. It is air space (ventilation). DM would like to know if we can increase roof insulation by using some of that space. MA to find out if an engineer can help us with the insulation--determine how to better insulate the roof.
The board would like to complete the work on the roof before next winter.
Repolishing Wood on the Front Doors
MA obtained 3 proposals for refinishing of the front entry doors.
- Cresent Painting - $3500
- Vogt & Company - $7600
- Brian J. Hernon - $4700
The 107 front entrance door does not close well and is jamming. Can it be fixed by putting in a continuous hinge. DM thinks that the problem with the door is the uneven floor. Also there is no sealing strip (weather strip) on the door. One possible fix might be to cut the door ~quarter of the inch and put a sweep under the door. Can a carpenter solve this problem? MA to ask Crescent to look at the door. DM will meet with them.
Unit owner of 111-20A paid maintanence through August, 2010. We waived the 2010 late fees as agreed.
Budget for 2011
Considerations when putting together the budget for next year:
- Assessment for the roof
- Consider making assessment bigger than the roof costs to replenish the reserve
- Queensberry Street gate is scheduled to be permanently repaired by Ninos Iron Works next week, and the work should cost ~$50
- Vagrants on the door steps: MA had issued a notice to the residents to encouraging them to contact the BPD Precinct Four whenever there is a problem with vagrants disturbing the peace outside of the building.
- Occasionally school kids smoke pot on the door steps. What can we do to discourage them?
- Unit 107-21B: The residents have no knowledge of the cable wires. So David Modica will remove the wires right away.
- Unit 107-2: MA to send a letter to the owners asking them to remove the wires by 10/31. Otherwise, the wires will be removed at the owners' expense.
- Oil tanks: we are grandfathered in.
- Iron fence on Queensberry Street side: the board decided to wait till spring to do the repairs.
- The faucet outside by 107 entrance is leaking and still needs to be fixed.
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.