Sunday, December 9, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Pam suggested, and the board
agreed, that replacing the rear courtyard, drainage work and removal of the planters that is allowing
moisture to seep through the brick wall in the living room of 111-20-A should be prioritized. The trustees voted to accept the revised proposal from Cappuccio
Construction for the sum of $15,100 to include the removal of the
planters. The trustees are also
entertaining replacing the wrought
iron fence around the perimeter
of the building. Nino’s revised their
bid to include changing the design to $15,100 for a total of $30,200 to
complete both projects. Replacing the
fence around the perimeter will be deferred until fall. The trustees will discuss a possible
assessment of one month of double condo fees to defray the cost in order to
complete both projects this year.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
May 21, 2012
Pursuant to the Article V. Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Monday, May 21, 2012, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.
Those Present: Michael Grappo, Ning Hernandez, Sheryl Kelly and Jeff Schwarz , Trustees
David Sherf was not Present
Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.
An electronic version of the monthly financial report for April had been e-mailed to the trustees along with copies of all paid bills. The balance sheet at the end of April reflected $11,572 in the operating account and $43,021 in reserves. Jeff asked what the $187 charge for landscaping was for. A review of the expense distribution report reflected that the expense was a reimbursement to Sheryl for the urns and planters she had purchased to be placed outside the front door of each building. Jeff asked about the $245 charge for office supplies and expenses. Pam replied that this was Modica’s administrative charge for postage, photocopies, scans and faxes associated with the building during the month. Modica has one machine that requires a code for each property that tracks the number of photo copies, scans and faxes. The postage meter also tracks costs per building. Michael stated that many properties charge for each and every time a notice or memo is delivered and posted to a property. Modica does not follow this practice. Michael went on to say that he has worked with several management companies and does not find any Modica charges to be unreasonable. Jeff further had a question on the electrical line item of the expense distribution report where there was a charge of $1,980 and then a credit to offset the charge. Pam stated that it was most likely a bill that had been posted in error and then reversed.
Pam informed the trustees that at the end of April 2011, the association incurred costs of $28,875 for oil and gas as compared with this year total costs of $19,480 representing an overall savings of $9,395 as a result of the conversion. The association has a net profit of $11,448 for the first four months of the fiscal year and is current with all operating bills.
The first item of business was the status of moisture infiltration in 111-19 and 17. Sheryl and Jeff for the benefit of Michael explained that during the roof replacement project last year their respective units sustained moisture infiltration prior to the roof installation being complete. The contractor, Eagle Rivet , denied any responsibility. The relationship between the contractor and the association was strained at best due to the duration of the project. David Modica had taken moisture readings in both units. Sheryl indicated that she believes her unit has not sustained any additional moisture and has dried out. Jeff is not so sure. David Modica suggested that the problem may be the older windows in this unit. Michael suggested that as a test, to replace one window to see if there is any noticeable difference.
Touch up paint building 107 and wall/carpentry repairs in basement of 107. Michael suggesting obtaining estimates prior to proceeding.
Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
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Pam had prepared the paperwork for the new trustees for recording at the registry. Everyone present signed. Arrangements will be made to obtain David Sherf’’s signature.
Sheryl Kelly executed the Service Agreement, Facilities Easement and Compensation Agreement with Comcast on behalf of the Condominium Trust. The association will be receiving the sum of $5,160 within (45) days after the execution of these agreements by both parties.
At last months meeting, the trustees reviewed the proposals that Pam had obtained for repairs/replacing the wrought iron railing around the perimeter of the property. Logan Grate submitted an estimate to repair the railing for $5,500. Nino’s Iron works submitted an estimate for repairing the railing $4,500, and providing a new railing $13,100. Michael obtained an estimate from Designer Fence to remove the old railing and replace with a new railing for the sum of $33,797.50 and another proposal from JC Sosa for fabrication and installation $17,000 plus galvanization $6,000 for a total of $23,000. The trustees were very interested in Nino’s bid to replace the railing with a new one. Michael suggested setting up a meeting with Nino to obtain information of what the fence would look like, and ensure that the bid included removal of the old fence, how would the new fence be installed, etc. The trustees felt that $13,000 expenditure was possible for the association to undertake this year. Everyone agreed that the existing railing is beyond repair but wanted to be sure their were no hidden costs.
Pam obtained a bid from B & M Restoration & Contracting for digging out the existing concrete in the courtyard, re-grading and pouring a new concrete patio for the sum of $17,900. Since last month two more bids were obtained – R.L. Goldman, $27,200 and Cappuccio Construction for the sum of $12,580. Cappuccio was the contractor who renovated the laundry room in building 107 last year. Ning stated that she has been a proponent of making repairs to the courtyard for the last two years but something always seemed to take priority. The trustees will review the feasibility of doing both projects this year if it is possible.
The last item on the agenda was the elusive odor in building 111. Originally it was thought to be coming from the recycling containers. They were subsequently washed, deodorized and placed outside. The odor still has continued off and on. The fear is that there could be a cracked drain line under ground allowing sewer gases to escape which can be very costly to repair. David Modica is working with Boston Water & Sewer and Paul, Modica’s plumber, has been investigating the source. A solution to this must be found prior to undertaking any capital projects.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Pursuant to the Article V. Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Monday, April 23, 2012, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.
Those Present: Ning Hernandez, Sheryl Kelly and Jeff Schwarz , Trustees
Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.
An electronic version of the monthly financial report for March had been e-mailed to the trustees along with copies of all paid bills. The balance sheet at the end of March reflected $6,369 in the operating account and $45,588 in reserves. Ning asked if the pest control company sent in an adjustment for the over payment. Pam stated that all invoices for pest control had been put on hold – the March financial reflected no charges for pest control. Jeff asked what the monthly charge for pest control should be. Pam stated that she would check and follow up with an e-mail and/or send Jeff the contract. Sheryl questioned the charge for snow removal – specifically the charge for ice melt in the amount of $74.25 for an ice storm on March 2nd. Pam stated that the ice melt charge was for applying ice melt on the sidewalks. Sheryl stated that she thought that she had been told that the $225 charge the association paid last year was for ice melt for the entire year. Pam stated that was true – but for the buckets of ice melt that are left at the entrances to the building for residents to use on the stairs as necessary. Modica keeps the buckets full of ice melt throughout the winter months at no additional charge to the building. Ice melt that is applied during snow fall/ ice events is at additional cost as is snow removal. Sheryl questioned the cost of the electrician’s invoice, $266, for replacing a light fixture and globes. Pam responded by saying that the electrician needed to visit the building to see match the globes that needed to be replaced, go out and purchase the material and return to the building to install. Furthermore any vendor that Modica uses is licensed and insured.
Pam informed the trustees that at the end of March, 2011, the association incurred costs of $23,741 for oil and gas as compared with this year total costs of $17,113 representing an overall savings of $6,628 as a result of the conversion. Although it has been a mild winter compared with 2011 it still represents significant savings. Sheryl asked about the oil payment of $2,909 in March. A review of the invoices reflected that the payment was for an oil delivery received January 7th, 2012. The association has a net profit of $6,245 for the first quarter of the fiscal year and is current with all operating bills. Ning asked about aging receivables (3) owners are behind in their fees but are making monthly payments.
The first item of business was the status of Eagle Rivet. A big thank you to David Sherf for successfully negotiating a settlement with Eagle Rivet. Arthur Dias signed the settlement agreement accepting a check in the amount of $2,500 as full and final payment for the roofing work.
Neither Sheryl nor Jeff had any further issues of moisture infiltration in their units.
The door sweep on the front door at 107 Jersey has now been installed
Painting the common areas has yet to be done in building 107.
Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
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Sheryl asked about the status of the laundry equipment – contract. The board did not wish to extend the contract and defective machines have been repaired or replaced.
Pam had prepared the paperwork for the new trustee for recording at the registry. Since not all board members were present, this will be signed next month.
The wrought iron railing around the perimeter of the property is in dire need of repair. Pam had obtained an estimate last fall from Logan grate to repair it for $5,500. Pam obtained (2) proposals from Nino’s Iron works – 1) to repair 200 lineal feet of railings $4,500, 2) for furnishing and installing a new railing $13,100. Pam obtained a 3rd proposal from Eliot Iron Works. Their proposal to repair the existing railing was $16,500-$18,000. Their estimate to replace the railing was $130,000. The trustees were very interested in Nino’s bid to replace the railing with a new one. Pam to get the particulars, find out would it would look like – would they replicate the existing fence, etc.
Pam obtained a bid from B & M Restoration & Contracting for digging out the existing concrete in the courtyard, re-grading and pouring a new concrete patio for the sum of $17,900. There is no inexpensive way to alleviate the ponding water due to the pitch of the existing courtyard. The job is also labor intensive since there is no access to bring any large machinery out back. The old concrete would need to be carted out by hand. Pam has had several contractors look at it and will obtain additional estimates.
The next item on the agenda were the agreements from Comcast. A Facilities Easement Agreement, Services Agreement and Compensation Agreement. Comcast would be willing to pay the association the sum of $5,160 within (45) days after receiving executed agreements in exchange for the association allowing Comcast to keep and maintain their equipment in the building for ten years. . Sheryl stated that she recalled David Sherf saying this was a “no-brainer”. Pam to get the agreements to David Sherf for his review and recommendation.
Sheryl noted a musty odor on the first floor of building 111. Modica will look into this.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:20PM.
Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust
Friday, March 23, 2012
Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
March 19, 2012
Pursuant to the Article V. Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Monday, March 19, 2012, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.
Those Present: Ning Hernandez, and Jeff Schwarz
Sheryl Kelly via telephone conference
Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.
The first item of business was the status of Eagle Rivet. The association issued final payment to Eagle last month, less $4.500 as negotiated with the President of Eagle Rivet and David Sherf. Eagle Rivet is now seeking payment of the $4,500 the association withheld due to the lengthy duration of the project. The trustees asked Pam to send an e-mail to David Sherf explaining that they wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible asking that David reiterate why he felt that a verbal agreement had merit which now Eagle is reneging on.
Jeff stated that he wanted to meet with David one last time regarding the moisture infiltration in his unit and review the moisture level readings prior to replacing windows. Sheryl stated that she too wanted to proceed with repairs to her unit. Jeff asked if Sheryl had cracks in the walls in her unit and she replied that she did not.
Pam informed the trustees that the door sweep has still not arrived for the front door at 107 Jersey and that it would be installed as soon as it was received. The sweep on the door at 111 has sufficiently worn down and is no longer binding preventing the door from closing.
An electronic version of the monthly financial report for February had been e-mailed to the trustees along with copies of all paid bills. The balance sheet at the end of February reflected $6,559 in the operating account and $45,584 in reserves. Jeff noted the $675 charge for pest control services and reference to (3) buildings. Pam stated that the bill must be in error – and would notify Heritage Pest to issue a credit. Pam reported that at the end of February, 2011, the association incurred costs of $17,900 for oil and gas as compared with this year total costs of $10,500 representing an overall savings of $7,400. Although it has been a mild winter compared with 2011 it still represents significant savings.
The association collected $16,762 from the insurance company under the boiler machinery section when the heating boiler failed. The association is current with all operating costs.
Sheryl stated she would like to purchase a concrete urn for the front of each building for flowers. There was some concern that they may get stolen or knocked over but the trustees agreed to try it provided the cost not exceed $100.
Pam asked the trustees about the railing around the perimeter of the property. It is badly rusted. Pam obtained one bid from Logan Grate last fall in the amount of $5,500. Pam will obtain other bids as well to discuss at the meeting next month.
Laundry equipment – Automatic Coin Laundry has confirmed that the leaking washer in 107 has been replaced. Pam made it clear to Jay Lizotte that the association was not interested in any further extensions to the laundry contract.
Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
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The overall condition of the courtyard was discussed. Pam stated that she did not believe there was a simple inexpensive fix. Sheryl suggested adding some gravel or crushed stone. Pam to check for options between now and the next board meeting.
Sheryl noted that the sconce in building 111 going to the second floor is missing a globe and the bulbs do not match. Pam will check and have this taken care of.
Ning asked about the woman who is leaving trash in the hallway of 107. Pam stated that she has contacted the manager of the unit on each occasion and has now levied a total of (4) $100 fines for leaving trash in the hallway. The trustees suggested posting a notice advising that trash should at no time left anywhere in the common area and should be taken out to the dumpster along the alley side of building 10. Any infractions will result in a $100 fine.
Pam asked the trustees what they were doing about a 5th board member. The consensus was to put it to a vote of all unit owners and furnish a ballot with the names of the three candidates who expressed an interest in serving on the board.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust