Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 21 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
The masonry work is progressing well. C&P expects to complete the project 1st week of November. See David Modica’s report for detailed information. A sill in the courtyard was missed and will be replaced. Also a lentil on the 3rd floor, Queensberry Street side has a crack running straight through it, and needs to be brought to the attention of C&P.

Second Means of Egress
All bedroom windows were properly marked by their unit owners. MA met with Logan Grate, and the windows were measured. In total, 6 grids will be replaced by the association. An additional (7th) grid will be replaced at the request and expense of the unit owner. Logan Grate will provide the final prices for the grids to MA.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
On Saturday, 10/11/2008, at 9:10am KL witnessed a Waste Management truck back into the bollards, knocking one of them completely out of place. David Modica is in contact with WM enquiring if they will pay for the damage inflicted by their truck.

Window Replacement
Window replacement is complete, and all screens have been fixed. MA is still working with Hadco, the company that replaced 111-2 unit windows in order to get the money back that the association paid for the panning that had to be later removed.

107 Laundry Room Floor

Dead Tree in Front of 107
DM and BG have removed the polls.

New Business:

Bad Smell in 107
DM and BG again noticed a strong smell of the sewer in the morning hours in building 107. There is speculation that the smell is from the 107 laundry, or from sewage backing up in the morning rush. Unit 107-20a had to have the drain cleared, and during the procedure a camera was run down the drain. Our buildings are on 4 times/year drain clearing schedule. MA to let the board know next time the drain clearing work occurs, so that we can see if the time of the smell correlates to when the drain clearing is performed.

Carpet Cleaning
The board ok's carpet cleaning to be performed in the common areas. Item Complete.

Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement
The numbers on the header page do not correspond to the numbers in the actual statement. MA will speak to the accountant and will email the board with an explanation.

Moped in the Courtyard
A Vespa moped is locked to the bike rack in the courtyard, and is blocking the walk way. MA will put a sign on the Vespa, as well as post notices on the doors asking the owner to move it. If not moved in a week, the vehicle will be towed.

Locking in Oil Price
The board discussed whether or not to lock in the oil price. Because the matter is so important, the board wants all members of the board to vote (only 3 present at the meeting). MA will send email asking the board members to vote over email.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Lock In Oil Price

(10/21/08) The board discussed whether or not to lock in the oil price. Because the matter is so important, the board wants all members of the board to vote (only 3 present at the meeting). MA will send email asking the board members to vote over email.

(11/18/2008) Locked in at $2.49. Item Complete.

Moped in the Courtyard

(10/21/08) A Vespa moped is locked to the bike rack in the courtyard, and is blocking the walk way. MA will put a sign on the Vespa, as well as post notices on the doors asking the owner to move it. If not moved in a week, the vehicle will be towed.

(11/18/2008) There was a moped by the Queensberry alley gate. Notice went to that one. There is one more in the courtyard--MA will put out a notice for it to be removed.

Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement

(10/21/08) The numbers on the header page do not correspond to the numbers in the actual statement. MA will speak to the accountant and will email the board with an explanation.

(11/18/2008) Bank statement balance differs from the operating budget because checks may have been cut, but have not yet cleared. Item Complete.

Carpet Cleaning

(10/21/08) The board ok's carpet cleaning to be performed in the common areas. Item Complete.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Masonry Update from David Modica

On October 10/21/2008 David Modica wrote to the board:

I met with the masons yesterday and went over the completed part of the job. The back and side are 100% done and they look very good. They are almost done with the front and the window trim is coming along very well. There have been some issues with the caulking but, we have pointed them out to the mason and window person and the seem to be correcting them now. We did run into a issue with the fire balconies. We addressed them last week. The mason did have to remove the brick around the steel the was anchored into the building so the iron workers could complete the job. The brick has been reinstalled and the iron work has been completed. There is a small charge for the extra work the mason did but the result was well worth it. The balconies are now very strong and will not be a problem moving forward. I will update you soon but so far the job is progressing on schedule with no major surprises.

David Modica