Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dead Tree In Front of 107

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(08/19/08) A tree that was growing in front of the 107 building. The tree died, and was broken off. Polls remain that used to support the tree. MA to call City Hall to find if they will replace the tree. If the tree will not be replaced, the polls should be removed.

(09/16/2008) MA spoke to the city Parks Department on September 9th. They said that they have placed the tree on the inspection list. This means that a city official will come to check if the tree is dead. If the tree is dead, it will be placed on the removal list. This process will take 1 to 2 years. Once it is removed, it will be placed on the replacement list. The board thinks we should at least remove the polls for now, as it may take several years for the tree to be replaced.

(11/18/2008) We are on the city's "inspection list"--they will come to make sure it is actually dead.

(01/20/2009) Same.

(03/17/2009) Same.

(05/19/2009) Same. Doug has offered to purchase a ginko tree. The landscaper (Malkasian) provided an estimate of $250 that includes installation of the tree only. (The amount is higher because the stump of the old tree has to be dug out.) MA to ask Malkasian for the total estimate on purchase, delivery and installation of the tree.

(06/16/2009) New tree planted. Item Complete.

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