Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Ning Hernandez --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Financial Review
Going over 2009 spending/budget
107 owners ask for electric locks to be installed –it is on our long term plan
Questions on the quality of landscaping
- seems like the quality of landscaping done is poor for a high price
- price may be reasonable
- the work is maintenance only
- Board Action Item: Ask for notice for when the landscaper is coming. Then we can post for the owners to see what it is before, and what it is after.
- $19000 deficit
- we partially used the reserve to pay for the window and panning work and due to the fuel costs rising
- trustees did not want to raise the fees while the masonry project was in progress
- now is the time to catch up
- new regulations on the amount of money the association is required to have in the reserve
- the goal is to maintain the reserve at or above the required amount (10% of the annual income needs to be set aside)
- Board Action Item: The board will monitor the assessment and see if that needs to become a regular fee to maintain the reserve
- provide a multi year budget/plan, long term approach that the trustees might have in mind. Currently, even if the trustees might have such a plan, it is unknown or unclear to the owners
- Board Action Item: The board is working on a capital plan, planning to have that by June.
- DS—tried to do a multi year plans in the past, but new regulations affect the plans
- How can we keep the monthly fees down, so that the condos can remain attractive to new buyers
- What is the raise that is not part of the assessment
- It is to avoid operating at a loss
- Do we expect the monthly fees to continue rising every year
- The assessments are happening nation wide due to the new regulations
- Are our maintenance fees inline with other associations
- Historically we have had very good fees
- Probably not, but please check with your tax accountant
- Increases are due to the deficit of $19000 in the reserve and the new regulations
- Q: why an assessment and not a fee increase overall
- trying to soften the blow
- buyers do not see the assessment, but only the condo fees
- Increases in oil, keys & locks fees (would be more if we go with installation of the electric locks), and landscape fees
- Q: Can we get rid of bushes and make a nice rest area for the residents
- rest area might imply that passers by will stop by there as well
- Q: Is there any money from the city available for dealing with the building settling due to ground water issue?
- Q: is the laundry room problem only present only in 107
- Yes
- Q: Are people complaining about mice/bugs/rats?
- Rat population in the alleys has spiked
- If you see something, please call Modica
- Fixing landscaping may help with the rat infestation
- Trustees are looking for ideas/feedback on the repairs
- Q: about the side arms on the main entrance in 107 (terrazzo)
- Chunks are coming off, and it cannot be really fixed
- It was not done right, and the association settled (several years ago)
- Q: what is the 10 year plan
- Sealing doors
- We have old gas burners and 2 large oil burners—DM would like to have it redesigned to use just gas
- Q: how is our roof doing
- Roof has been checked, and is in good shape
- New gutters have been added
- It is at the end of its life, but we are not seeing problems yet
- Usually, when the roof is at the end of its life and problems start, it can last another 2 years with repairs
- Q: Concerned about structural problems
- We will need a touch up job in 15-20 years
- Last masonry job was about 15 years prior to this one, and it was only in certain spots
- Q: should we be concerned about slanted stair cases—No. Tested during the structural tests when the walls were cut into to check how sound the building is
- Heat loss issues
- All windows were sealed during the masonry project
- Upper units get hot and residents open their windows
- Restoration of the front metal doors
- Was estimated in 2005, but postponed
- Q: planters in the yard: Can an owner garden them and make them look nice?
- Yes, please do
- Gates slam shut really loudly—what can we do about it
- Heavy smoker in 107
- Is the owner aware that the renter is smoking?
- Smell of the sewer
- It was cleared for awhile, but it is back
- When 107 laundry is being fixed, the pipe system underneath the laundry room floor will be examined
- The pipes were examined with a camera
- Q: does the city have responsibility to fix this? Not really.
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
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