Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010, Meeting

Nancy (MA) --Modica Associates
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust

Distribute to:
Ning Hernandez (NH) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Refund request resulted in Hadco (the window contractor) refusing to refund the final $500. (Hadco have refunded $350 to date.) Corinne had made the request again with a cc' to Modica's attorney. This did not yield a positive result. The board would like to ask David Sherf to send a letter to Hadco, asking to split the remaining $500 and return $250 to the association.
David Modica has been working hard to get this solved. Due to the recent weather, there has been no available manpower to do anything in recent weeks. David has been assured that as soon as possible, there will be another camera test which will investigate a different area.

Still waiting for the report from BW&S.

Doug thinks that there maybe cracks in the foundation or cracks in the sewage pipe. Doug proposes to cut away part of the ceiling in the laundry room where he thinks the pipe is, investigate if there are any cracks, and seal them with cement. Doing that might stop the smell. Doug thinks that the smell is trapped between the 1st floor and the basement ceiling. MA to discuss this solution with David Modica, confirm where the pipe is, and see if this can be done.

MA will repeat the request for the report from BW&S.

Bill has not detected the smell since BW&S has been on site.

JM Mechanical: David Modica has indicated that he does not believe we can get either of the two invoices reduced because the smoke tests were ordered, and the manpower utilized.

Modica had the tree branch cut. Doug thinks that the branch was not cut cleaning. MA to request to recut it cleanly.

David Modica spoke to Rick Malkasian regarding the overage on the landscaping budget. (The bill came for $1150, after the board asked Malkasian to work with $1000). He has agreed to honor the $1000 budget amount and will write off the overage. The board members will consider getting together and planting some annuals using their own resources.

Chiccarelli and Pires has been to the property and a price is forthcoming.

Letters were sent to unit owners of 107-18 and 107-19 (units with skylights that had leaks). Unit 107-18 has refused, and 107-19 has been sent 2 letters. MA will contact the 107-18 unit owner to find out the reasoning for his refusal. The board request that a deadline of 8/15 would be set to receive an answer.

Richard Roofing speced the work and created a proposal for the skylights work. The units can bring their own contractors in, as long as the board approves the work.

Richard Roofing has developed the scope for the roof replacement and it has been distributed to two other contractors, Eagle and Cappucio, for bidding. MA to send the scope out to the board.


Paula Modica reports that the insurance company has visited and revalued all of the properties. There will be no earthquake or flood coverage but the good news is that increases will be negligible and we were able to negotiate replacement costs. The deductible will remain at $15,000. The board plans to talk to the agent during the next meeting.

Two units (111-16 and 111-20A) are behind in paying their maintenance fees. MA will let the board know how much each unit owes in late fees. The board will make a one time offer to the unit owners--the board will wave the late fees if all the maintenance fees are paid up by September 1st, 2010. MA to notify the two unit owners of the offer.
  • Power Outage: The electric company had no reports of any outages on the dates in question (on 6/13 and 6/14) and advised calling when the outage occurs so that a source can be determined.
  • Modica repaired the gate on Queensberry Street side.
  • MA will check out the cord/antenna coming out of a 107 basement unit.
  • The board reviewed the "Modica Cleaning Specifications for QCT" document, and discussed options of cutting down on janitorial services in order to cut down on costs. The board concluded that maintaining the cleanliness of the common areas is important enough to continue with the current levels of janitorial services. In turn MA will discuss the work with the janitor and will do a walk through the building with the janitor in order to improve quality.
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Roof Replacement

(07/20/2010) Richard Roofing has developed the scope for the roof replacement and it has been distributed to two other contractors, Eagle and Cappucio, for bidding. MA to send the scope out to the board.

(08/17/2010) MA has received two roofing bids. Richard Roofing was the least costly by far, at $69,000.00. Two more bids are coming (from Eagle and Cappucio). We are using Maurice Richard’s scope/spec.

DM proposes that the board considers using white rubber roofing. It is supposed to be good at reflecting heat. MA to request prices for this version as well. The board asks that the spec is revised to include the repairs/replacement of the damaged roof decking--there should be an allowance for fixing the decking (the amount to be discussed with David Modica).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 15, 2010, Meeting


Nancy (MA) --Modica Associates
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Ning Hernandez (NH) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust

Distribute to:
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Window Replacement
No money from HADCO. Is it time to request David (DS) to write a letter to Hadco?

107 Laundry Room Floor

BW&S was at the building yesterday and today with a full crew and a police detail. BW&S was able to pump down far enough to access our lines. BW&S performed a dye test and the dye came back into the BW&S lines; therefore, they were able to determine that the water is flowing from the buildings to the BW&S lines.

BW&S performed a camera test and saw no breaks in the lines. However, there may be a sag in one of our lines, so more investigation is needed. BW&S will gives us their full report.

Questions for Dave Modica
  • When will the BW&S report become available, and would it be possible to get the report by the end of the week?
  • Why did JMechanical charge the association twice?--$1840 and $1780
The plants for $1000 have been planted. Modica cut the branch on 111 Jersey Linden Tree. Stil waiting for updates on the Aphid treatment.

Later edit: After the meeting the board walked around the buildings and looked at the landscaping in front of the buildings. The board did not see any annuals planted. From April 20, 2010, meeting notes: "The board decided to ask Malkasian to work with $1000 (total, labor inclusive) to add plantings and improve the landscaping with the following specific requests: 1) no arbovitaes, 2) add approximately $100 worth of annuals in locations Malkasian sees fit."

Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
Same. The sidearms still need repairs.

Water Damage/Leaks Due to the March 15 Storm
Waiting for status on the sky lights owners for fixing them. Status on the ceiling patches. MA to start getting roof bids for full replacement.

Repolishing Wood on the Fronnt Doors
Same. MA to bid sanding and polishing the front doors of 107 and 111.

Renegotiate Insurance Deductible

Preparation to Renew the Laundry Contract
Besides looking into getting new type of machines, the board also would like to consider contracting a different vendor. Currently, our contract is with Automatic Laundry Services (ALS).


  • Questions for Modica:
    • What was happening with the power outages during the night? (on 6/13 and 6/14)
    • What services are included in the Janitorial Work? Can the janitor the weeds/common area outside?
  • The gate on Queensberry side does not close. The door also may need oiling.
  • A basement unit in 107 on the back courtyard side has a cord coming out of the unit. Is this an antenna? The board is concerned that whatever it is, it is not legal.
  • Line of credit

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.