Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Ning Hernandez (NH) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information111 Mail Room for general information
Window Replacement
MA sent the letter and gave Hadco 30 days to reply. If there is no response, the next step would be for David to send a letter to Hadco.
Bad Smell in 107
The smell has returned in 107 (see email from 4/15). The smoke test will be performed to determine where the sewage smell comes from and how bad the damage might be. Smoke test is currently scheduled for Thursday if the city sewage lines are cleared by then on the corner of Queensberry and Jersey Streets.
107 Laundry Room Floor
On hold until the smoke test is done.
The board met with Rick Malkasian (of Rick Malkasian Gardens—the company that has been doing our landscaping so far) to discuss improving the plantings around the building. The board decided to ask Malkasian to work with $1000 (total, labor inclusive) to add plantings and improve the landscaping with the following specific requests: 1) no arbovitaes, 2) add approximately $100 worth of annuals in locations Malkasian sees fit. The board would like this landscaping work to begin right away.
The board also discussed the linden tree (city tree) near 111 Jersey entrance with MA and Malkasian. (Some of the tree branches are growing into the fire escape of 111, and thus may be a fire hazard.) MA will find out the price for cutting down the branch closest to the building. MA will also find out the price for spraying the Jersey side linden tree and another linden tree (also a city tree) on Queensberry side of the building. MA will also find out if we need city permission to cut down branch and/or spray these city trees.
Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
Chicarelli will not do the work. MA will talk to B&M Restoration about cost for applying partial fix.
Water Damage/Leaks Due to the March 15 Storm
Contractors fixed the problem with the damaged door of 107-19 (put in the new beam), and found no structural damage. DM did not like the quality of these contractors’ work. (They were Wolf Rock Construction).
Roof repairs (excluding skylights) to take place tomorrow. (A skylight is the owner’s responsibility. Skylight in 107-18 failed a long time ago and was sealed incorrectly. This improper seal now increased the effects of the leak. (Both skylights in 107-18 and in 107-19 are old. The skylight in 107-19 has been patched, but its seal was done correctly as opposed to the one in 107-18.)
MA to notify unit owners that skylights need to be replaced, and give them 60 days to do it. 107-18 and 107-19 both need higher curbs and/or better curbs. MA to ask them to present specs for the work before the work is done to protect the common areas. The board will review the specs promptly (within 3 business days) not to hold up the work.
The board questioned why the improper seal was not discovered earlier and proposed to add inspection of all skylights to our yearly roof inspection. MA stated that the skylights are already being inspected as part of the roof inspection.
The 107 door to the roof has wood with sealant on it, and the sealant is failing. The door needs to be resealed. Currently, resealing the door is not included in the quote from the roofer for fixing up the leaks in the roof. MA will ask roofers to fix the door as well (and hopes that it will be at no additional charge).
The ceiling in the common area will stay open until another big rain storm to make sure that the roof patches are holding up. MA to ask unit occupants in the nearby units to keep an eye out for any new leaks.
MA to start asking for estimates to replace the roof.
Repolishing Wood on the Fronnt Doors
On hold.
Renegotiate Insurance Deductible
Our insurance policy will be renewed in August. Can we renegotiate the deductible down to $5K for the common areas. The board thinks that while the deductible of $15,000 is appropriate for individual units, it is hard to manage for the common areas.
Move In Fees
In the efforts of raising income for the association, the board decided to increase the move-in fee for all owners. Starting on June 1st, the move-in fee will be $150 as opposed to $50 (currently).
- The board will consider being approved for a line of credit so that when we are ready to do the work, we can proceed even if we do not have enough cash in the reserves.
- MA has sent the letter to the 111-11 owners about the AC unit being installed too early in the year.
- MA to check if there is any money from the city available for dealing with the building settling due to the ground water issues, (when MA calls the city about permission to treat and trim the city trees around the property).
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