Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Torn Carpet In The Basement

(11/18/2008) Carpet is shredded across from Unit 20-A, probably from the vacuum cleaner.

(01/20/2009) Corrine to call Braintree rug to look into replacing torn rug in basement.

(03/17/2009) AJ Rose Carpets will look at the problem this week. MA to ask them for a recommendation to possibly tear out that section of the carpet and replace it, or cover it with a “throw” type carpet matt.

(05/19/2009) Dave Modica is investigating.

(06/16/2009) Same.

(08/18/2009) Same.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 21 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
The masonry work is progressing well. C&P expects to complete the project 1st week of November. See David Modica’s report for detailed information. A sill in the courtyard was missed and will be replaced. Also a lentil on the 3rd floor, Queensberry Street side has a crack running straight through it, and needs to be brought to the attention of C&P.

Second Means of Egress
All bedroom windows were properly marked by their unit owners. MA met with Logan Grate, and the windows were measured. In total, 6 grids will be replaced by the association. An additional (7th) grid will be replaced at the request and expense of the unit owner. Logan Grate will provide the final prices for the grids to MA.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
On Saturday, 10/11/2008, at 9:10am KL witnessed a Waste Management truck back into the bollards, knocking one of them completely out of place. David Modica is in contact with WM enquiring if they will pay for the damage inflicted by their truck.

Window Replacement
Window replacement is complete, and all screens have been fixed. MA is still working with Hadco, the company that replaced 111-2 unit windows in order to get the money back that the association paid for the panning that had to be later removed.

107 Laundry Room Floor

Dead Tree in Front of 107
DM and BG have removed the polls.

New Business:

Bad Smell in 107
DM and BG again noticed a strong smell of the sewer in the morning hours in building 107. There is speculation that the smell is from the 107 laundry, or from sewage backing up in the morning rush. Unit 107-20a had to have the drain cleared, and during the procedure a camera was run down the drain. Our buildings are on 4 times/year drain clearing schedule. MA to let the board know next time the drain clearing work occurs, so that we can see if the time of the smell correlates to when the drain clearing is performed.

Carpet Cleaning
The board ok's carpet cleaning to be performed in the common areas. Item Complete.

Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement
The numbers on the header page do not correspond to the numbers in the actual statement. MA will speak to the accountant and will email the board with an explanation.

Moped in the Courtyard
A Vespa moped is locked to the bike rack in the courtyard, and is blocking the walk way. MA will put a sign on the Vespa, as well as post notices on the doors asking the owner to move it. If not moved in a week, the vehicle will be towed.

Locking in Oil Price
The board discussed whether or not to lock in the oil price. Because the matter is so important, the board wants all members of the board to vote (only 3 present at the meeting). MA will send email asking the board members to vote over email.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Lock In Oil Price

(10/21/08) The board discussed whether or not to lock in the oil price. Because the matter is so important, the board wants all members of the board to vote (only 3 present at the meeting). MA will send email asking the board members to vote over email.

(11/18/2008) Locked in at $2.49. Item Complete.

Moped in the Courtyard

(10/21/08) A Vespa moped is locked to the bike rack in the courtyard, and is blocking the walk way. MA will put a sign on the Vespa, as well as post notices on the doors asking the owner to move it. If not moved in a week, the vehicle will be towed.

(11/18/2008) There was a moped by the Queensberry alley gate. Notice went to that one. There is one more in the courtyard--MA will put out a notice for it to be removed.

Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement

(10/21/08) The numbers on the header page do not correspond to the numbers in the actual statement. MA will speak to the accountant and will email the board with an explanation.

(11/18/2008) Bank statement balance differs from the operating budget because checks may have been cut, but have not yet cleared. Item Complete.

Carpet Cleaning

(10/21/08) The board ok's carpet cleaning to be performed in the common areas. Item Complete.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Masonry Update from David Modica

On October 10/21/2008 David Modica wrote to the board:

I met with the masons yesterday and went over the completed part of the job. The back and side are 100% done and they look very good. They are almost done with the front and the window trim is coming along very well. There have been some issues with the caulking but, we have pointed them out to the mason and window person and the seem to be correcting them now. We did run into a issue with the fire balconies. We addressed them last week. The mason did have to remove the brick around the steel the was anchored into the building so the iron workers could complete the job. The brick has been reinstalled and the iron work has been completed. There is a small charge for the extra work the mason did but the result was well worth it. The balconies are now very strong and will not be a problem moving forward. I will update you soon but so far the job is progressing on schedule with no major surprises.

David Modica

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
The second (out of 3 total) payment installment has been made to C&P. The association has not yet been billed for any window panning (the panning over the old windows). The board approves the new bricks that has been used so far on an alley wall to be used for the rest of the building. The board has a question for C&P about 2 cracked lentils over 2 top front window in 107. What will be done about these? Will they be fixed or replaced? So far C&P replaced a total of 2 lentils--they have not replaced any lentils beyond what is in the spec. When the work shifted to the Jersey St side of the building, it was discovered that one of the balcony supports has rusted out. MA has called Nino's to come and do the welding to fix the support. Dave Modica will be meeting with Nino's about this issue.

Second Means of Egress
The individual unit window replacement is complete, so MA has now spoke to Logan Grate about replacing the window grids. MA to put out a notice to all the units involved to ask them to put a piece of paper on their bedroom window, so that the workers know which grates to replace. Unit 111-23D owner requested to bump out their new grid so that it can fit an AC unit. The reason grids are being replaced is to bring the units up to fire code--to allow a second means of egress from the bedroom window. The board is concerned that if an AC unit is blocking the window, then there will be no second way out of the unit. MA to look into the fire code regulations about AC blocking the second means of egress window.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters

Window Replacement
All individual unit windows have been replaced and all units have paid the association. The association will now pay $18150 for the work. The association has paid 1/2 of the cost of panning for the windows in 111-2 unit, but the panning was not the right kind and was removed. MA is working with Hadco, the company that was replacing 111-2 unit's windows in order to get the money back. Unit 107-14, which had its windows replaced, had a screen fall out during the storm. MA to contact Lewin about fixing the screen.

107 Laundry Room Floor

QCT Meeting Minutes Web Hosting
The board has approved the site. YC will port all the old meeting minutes onto the site, so that the old website can be dismantled. Item Complete.

Dead Tree in Front of 107
MA spoke to the city Parks Department on September 9th. They said that they have placed the tree on the inspection list. This means that a city official will come to check if the tree is dead. If the tree is dead, it will be placed on the removal list. This process will take 1 to 2 years. Once it is removed, it will be placed on the replacement list. The board thinks we should at least remove the polls for now, as it may take several years for the tree to be replaced.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
David Modica will send out a report to the board on the work progress. C&P is looking for the 2nd of the 3 payments from the association. The following work has been completed to date: all 3 courtyard walls, 2 rear cheek walls, all wall has been 100% cut, pointing has begun. Trustees have some questions on the work in progress. C&P is filling the deep crack between the brick and the door frame with mortar--is that per spec? David Modica will check the spec, confirm with C&P, and inform the board. 111 2nd floor window in the courtyard had a lantil with 2 cracks that have been patched. Should that lantil be replaced instead? MA will hold off payment to C&P until these issues are addressed. Trustees agrees to go forward with replacing all common area windows at the total cost of $7,700. Trustees will go look at the wall where new bricks have been used to make a decision whether the right color of the brick has been selected.

Second Means of Egress
Window grid work is on hold until all window replacement and capping work is complete. 111-20A owner is concerned that it is a safety issue that the 111 laundry room window does not have a grid. (None of the ground level windows along Jersey Street have grids.) The board takes owner's request to add the grid on that window under advisory, but currently no action is planned.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
C&P has straightened the bollard, and will do something to stabilize it at no extra charge to the association.

Window Replacement

All unit windows for the participating units have been replaced, except for 111-11, which was a add-on unit that is replacing just one window. 111-2 has new windows, but no panning, because 111-2 was replacing the windows on his own, and the panning did not match. 111-2 windows will be capped as part of the structural needs work, with all old windows are capped.

107 Laundry Room Floor

Cash Reserve Interest on Monthly Financial Report
From now on, a copy of the cash reserve bank statement will be included in the monthly financial report. Item Complete.

QCT Meeting Minutes Web Hosting
YC to email the board the blog URL for feedback on content and usability.

New Business:

Dead Tree in Front of 107
A tree that was growing in front of the 107 building. The tree died, and was broken off. Polls remain that used to support the tree. MA to call City Hall to find if they will replace the tree. If the tree will not be replaced, the polls should be removed.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Dead Tree In Front of 107

(08/19/08) A tree that was growing in front of the 107 building. The tree died, and was broken off. Polls remain that used to support the tree. MA to call City Hall to find if they will replace the tree. If the tree will not be replaced, the polls should be removed.

(09/16/2008) MA spoke to the city Parks Department on September 9th. They said that they have placed the tree on the inspection list. This means that a city official will come to check if the tree is dead. If the tree is dead, it will be placed on the removal list. This process will take 1 to 2 years. Once it is removed, it will be placed on the replacement list. The board thinks we should at least remove the polls for now, as it may take several years for the tree to be replaced.

(11/18/2008) We are on the city's "inspection list"--they will come to make sure it is actually dead.

(01/20/2009) Same.

(03/17/2009) Same.

(05/19/2009) Same. Doug has offered to purchase a ginko tree. The landscaper (Malkasian) provided an estimate of $250 that includes installation of the tree only. (The amount is higher because the stump of the old tree has to be dug out.) MA to ask Malkasian for the total estimate on purchase, delivery and installation of the tree.

(06/16/2009) New tree planted. Item Complete.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
David Modica --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
Noblin decided to walk away from the job, and will no longer be working with the association. Noblin’s reasons, as far as the board understands, were the following: 1) the board did not chose the lowest bidder, 2) the board changed the timeline of the project [the original timeline planned the work to be completed in 2 years, but it was cheaper to complete the work in 1 year], 3) the scope of the project was changed [originally the plan was to reseal old windows, but David Modica became aware that that might imply scraping out old lead paint. To avoid lead paint, the plan was changed to seal the old windows with aluminum panning], 4) the board requested another round of bids. From now on David Modica will oversee the job and work directly with C&P for no extra charge to the association. C&P delivered brick samples for the board to look at and chose the brick to best match the building.

Second Means of Egress
MA to send notices out to all owners of garden level units who have grids on their windows, to ask the owners to mark their bedroom window. Logan Grate will then measure the windows without entering units, and will provide estimates for the grids.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters

Window Replacement
DS and MA drafted a letter to go out to all owners who decided to replace the windows. The owners will have several days in which to agree to the window replacement and conditions outlined in the letter, and return the signed letter with their payment.

107 Laundry Room Floor
MA contacted the laundry machine company. Since our contract is up for renewal soon, MA will meet with the company in August to discuss terms of the contract renewal, including fixing the floor.

Cash Reserve Interest on Monthly Financial Report
Bookkeeper has been notified, and the numbers should show up in our July financial statement.

QCT Meeting Minutes Web Hosting
We need to find a new place to host our meeting minutes on the internet. The current site is not owned by any of the trustees, and we need to find an alternative. YC to explore using a free blogging host for posting our minutes.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

QCT Meeting Minutes Web Hosting

(07/15/08) We need to find a new place to host our meeting minutes on the internet. The current site is not owned by any of the trustees, and we need to find an alternative. YC to explore using a free blogging host for posting our minutes.

(08/19/08) YC to email the board the blog URL for feedback on content and usability.

(09/16/2008) The board has approved the site. YC will port all the old meeting minutes onto the site, so that the old website can be dismantled. Item Complete.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24 Meeting

Corinne Getchell Modica Associates MA
Yelena Chigirinskaya Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust YC
Douglas McClennen Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust DM
Bill Gentz Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust BG

Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust KL
David Sherf Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust DS
107 Mail Room For general information
111 Mail Room For general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
The board agreed on the color of the mortar to be used. C&P started working on Saturdays. MA to work with Noblin to revise the specs to account for windows panning. MA to ask Noblin to determine how the panning is going to be attached. C&P has been paid 10% at signing the contract for the masonry and 30% when they started the work. The expense will show up on June finance report.

Second Means of Egress
MA met with Logan Grate again, and provided him with a photo of the kind of grid the board approved to be installed. The garden level unit windows facing Queensberry Street currently do not have any grates, while the ones facing Jersey St. do. MA to work with Logan Grate to get the cost estimate for grid replacement.

Inner Courtyard Cleanup
Item Complete.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
The bollards have been straightened out but not reinforced. David M. will work with C&P to see if they can be reinforced with concrete.

Window Replacement
9 owners have signed up for window replacement. Windows have been measured in all but one unit (key issue with the unit). The exact estimates will come in once all windows have been measured.

107 Laundry Room Floor
The laundry room sub-floor in 107 Jersey Street has been rotting and is now uneven, causing the washing machines often to become unbalanced and fail to finish their cycle. MA to investigate if a board can be put under the machines to temporarily fix the problem.

Cash Reserve Interest on Monthly Financial Report
DM suggested to modify the monthly financial statements such that they show any interest made on the cash reserve. The numbers are available. MA to ask the bookkeeper to put the numbers on our monthly statements.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

107 Laundry Room Floor

(06/24/08) The laundry room sub-floor in 107 Jersey Street has been rotting and is now uneven, causing the washing machines often to become unbalanced and fail to finish their cycle. MA to investigate if a board can be put under the machines to temporarily fix the problem.

(07/15/08) MA contacted the laundry machine company. Since our contract is up for renewal soon, MA will meet with the company in August to discuss terms of the contract renewal, including fixing the floor.

(08/19/08) Same.

(09/16/2008) Same.

(11/18/2008) Same.

(01/20/2009) Proposal by DM to motion at owners meeting that we consider reconfiguring entire space including storage locker area and boiler room to be more efficient. Including replacing current inefficient gas systems. Will ask owners for feed back on whether to hire engineer to make proposal.

(03/17/2009) ALS (Automatic Laudry Services) came and looked at the floor. ALS will give us $750 to fix the floor. When the floor is removed, we will need to investigate the drain pipes underneath to see if larger pipes have to be installed.Our contract with ALS does not expire until 2014. Laundry breakdown: 55% to ALS, 45% to QCT.

(05/19/2009) MA is continuing to negotiate with ALS (Automatic Laundry Services). $750 that ALS has agreed to give to the association to fix the floor is not enough. MA will ask ALS if ALS knows anyone who would do that kind of work for only $750, or try to negotiate a larger amount. When the floor is removed, the plumbing underneath needs to be investigated. It is possible that the smell in 107 is caused by drain water backing up. One suggested solution is to install a backflow preventor.

(06/16/2009) Modica to get bids for new floor and investigate installation of back flow valve.

(08/18/2009) Carpenter (Vogt & Company) did a proposal and submitted to MA, with the cost of $7600. The proposal includes carpentry, but does not include tiling, removing and reinstalling the washing machines. The laundry company will have to do the removal and reinstallation of the machines. The laundry company will not give the association more than $700-800. The estimate is approximately $52.77/sq. foot (based on 8x18 ft area).Doug proposes to just fix the floor, and put down rolled goods. Currently the floor is a potential tripping hazard.MA to ask the carpenter to price items 1-3 on the proposal, without preparing the floor for tiling (described in item 2), without new cabinets or counters, and without painting.When the floor is lifted, it is likely that they will find rot in the joices. Joices will have to be replaced. This work would not be included in the estimate.

(09/15/2009) Vogt & Company (the carpentor/vendor whose proposal the association is considering) warns that roll-out/linoleum type floor is pourous, and if there are leaks, the floor maybe severely damaged or destroyed. The carpenter discussed the issue with Dave Modica, and both recommend installing tiled floor. DM estimates that the price difference between tile and linoleum may be over $1000, and the linoleum floor should last for several years. MA to get an estimate on both tile floor and linoleum floor to see what the actual cost may be and what the actual difference in price is. Plumbing is to be inspected when the floor is removed. DM requests that the material to be used for the subfloor is specified in the proposal.

(2010, March update since 09/2009) The board and MA exchanged many emails about what the specs for the work should include, and what a reasonable price for the work might be relative to what a contractor is proposing. The latest info to be discussed during the next trustees' meeting.

(03/16/2010) We had bids from multiple places: Vogt & Company (wood floor), and Capuccio Construction (bid for mud floor after we provided the spec, recommended by Dave Modica).Capuccio Construction bid included adding a layer of concrete onto the foundation, tile on top of that (as opposed to laying tile on an elevated floor), as well as removing the wall behind the washing machine, and replacing it with a water resistant green dry wall. When the wall is removed, Dave Modica and the plumber will inspect the plumbing and electrical hook ups behind that wall.MA to request a reference for Capuccio before the next meeting.

(04/20/2010) On hold until the smoke test is done.

(05/18/2010) Same.

(06/15/2010) Same.

(07/20/2010) Same.

(08/17/2010) The board discussed possible ways to repair the floor: pouring the slab on grade vs floating slab.
  • Floating slab—is lifted on joists above the soil, creating a "gap" between the ground and the floor.
  • Slab on grade—is poured down against the soil, thus sealing the so called "gap".
The current floor is a concrete slab on joists with plywood on top.  The proposal (whose?) is for thicker concrete slab with the floor. 

The board needs the following questions answered before deciding on the "slab on grade" floor:
  • Are there any pipes between the current "floating slab" floor and the dirt?
  • Is there a significant price difference between the 2 types?
  • If plumbing work needs to be done (pipes burried to allow for the "slab on grade" floor, what would the extra costs be?
Fire code violation was discovered when the laundry room wall was opened. No insulation (no 2nd layer of sheet rock) between the laundry room and an abutting unit.  David Modica is aware of this problem, and this minor issue will be fixed with other work in the laundry.

MA to request 2 specs from Wolf Rock Development and ask about pros and cons. The board will review the specs.

[Later edit:  In an email David Modica reminded the board that we have reviewed bids for this work and questions the need to rebid the work.  Notes about previous bids can be found here -- the latest bid information was noted in the March 16th Meeting Notes.]

Cash Reserve Interest on Monthly Financial Report

(06/24/08) DM suggested to modify the monthly financial statements such that they show any interest made on the cash reserve. The numbers are available. MA to ask the bookkeeper to put the numbers on our monthly statements.

(07/15/08) Bookkeeper has been notified, and the numbers should show up in our July financial statement.

(08/19/08) From now on, a copy of the cash reserve bank statement will be included in the monthly financial report. Item Complete.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One of the Dumpsters Has Been Damaged

(05/20/08) Fixed since the meeting. Item complete.

May 20 Meeting

Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
David Modica --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Joseph Jouvenal (JJ) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Structural Needs Assessment Report
Chiccarelli-Pires (C&P) was approved by the board prior to the meeting. MA to ask Noblin to discuss window padding. MA to request a sample of window padding from C&P (to be used on old windows) to compare with the window padding that comes with a new window. The board will then decide if the padding is close enough to approve the C&P padding or to proceed with the original plan of only resealing the wood on the old windows.

Second Means of Egress
MA received a bid from Logan Grate to furnish and install 3 window grates with a push lock at $650 each. This bid only covers bedroom windows on the courtyard side. MA to ask for another bid to include grids for smaller windows on the front side of the building.

Inner Courtyard Cleanup
The courtyard cleanup has been moved to May 24th due to inclement weather on May 16th.

Bad Smell in 107 during Peak Shower Time
Smell is gone. Item complete.

Graffiti on 111 Steps
Item complete.

Legal Consultation
The legal consultation fee was approved and the letter has been mailed to the owners. Item complete.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
The bollards have been straightened out, but not reinforced with concrete yet. David M. will discuss this with C&P when they are onsite.

One of the Dumpsters Damaged
Fixed since the meeting. Item complete.

Window Replacement
DM has volunteered to represent any owners that want to replace their windows this summer, and to get a quote for the windows as one order. MA has sent out a letter to the owners informing them to contact DM directly if they are interested in replacing their windows. DM will get back to all owners who have contacted him with quotes, payment information, and other action items.

These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

Window Replacement

(05/20/08) DM has volunteered to represent any owners that want to replace their windows this summer, and to get a quote for the windows as one order. MA has sent out a letter to the owners informing them to contact DM directly if they are interested in replacing their windows. DM will get back to all owners who have contacted him with quotes, payment information, and other action items.

(06/24/08) 9 owners have signed up for window replacement. Windows have been measured in all but one unit (key issue with the unit). The exact estimates will come in once all windows have been measured.

(07/15/08) DS and MA drafted a letter to go out to all owners who decided to replace the windows. The owners will have several days in which to agree to the window replacement and conditions outlined in the letter, and return the signed letter with their payment.

(08/19/08) All unit windows for the participating units have been replaced, except for 111-11, which was a add-on unit that is replacing just one window. 111-2 has new windows, but no panning, because 111-2 was replacing the windows on his own, and the panning did not match. 111-2 windows will be capped as part of the structural needs work, with all old windows are capped.

(09/16/2008) All individual unit windows have been replaced and all units have paid the association. The association will now pay $18150 for the work. The association has paid 1/2 of the cost of panning for the windows in 111-2 unit, but the panning was not the right kind and was removed. MA is working with Hadco, the company that was replacing 111-2 unit's windows in order to get the money back. Unit 107-14, which had its windows replaced, had a screen fall out during the storm. MA to contact Lewin about fixing the screen.

(11/18/2008) Several windows on 107 Jersey first floor and 111-2 windows do not have grids. At least one window's panning is cut around the metal rod. In these windows, the iron pins are in the mortar too close to the window. So the window panning was notched to expose the iron stud. The iron grid should be drilled into the brick. MA will work with Logan Grates to replace the grids. The panning then can be redone. MA spoke to 111-2 owner and Hadco on 11/3. Hadco acknowledged that they were paid. MA still working to get the association's money refunded.

(01/20/2009) Window Paining has been repaired. Waiting for Logan grate to reinstall.

(03/17/2009) Still waiting on refund from Hadco. Logan Grates will fix the grids.

(05/19/2009) Same.

(08/18/2009) Same.

(09/15/2009) MA sent another letter to Hadco Window and Door on 9/3, but has not had a reply.
(2010, March update since 09/2009) Hadco paid $375 of $825 deposit they took for panning, $150 per each window, 3 in total, and that was cost to Hadco. So the refunded was $375. MA does not think that we are going to get anymore money from them. What does the association want to do?

(03/16/2010) The unit (111-2) has the correct panning. MA to send another letter to Hadco to demand the rest of our money. What can we do to prevent this situation from happening in the future? --In the future we will only reimburse owners for window panning once the work is complete and the panning is to spec.

(04/20/2010) MA sent the letter and gave Hadco 30 days to reply. If there is no response, the next step would be for David to send a letter to Hadco.

(05/18/2010) Modica has not heard back from HADCO yet.

(06/15/2010) No money from HADCO. Is it time to request David (DS) to write a letter to Hadco?

(07/20/2010) Refund request resulted in Hadco (the window contractor) refusing to refund the final $500. (Hadco have refunded $350 to date.) Corinne had made the request again with a cc' to Modica's attorney. This did not yield a positive result. The board would like to ask David Sherf to send a letter to Hadco, asking to split the remaining $500 and return $250 to the association.

(08/17/2010) MA made one further phone call to Hadco, asking for a final refund of $250.00. MA has received no response and therefore asked David Sherf to write a letter.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Legal Consultation

(04/28/08) MA requested and is waiting for an estimate on legal consultation regarding temp fee increase vs. assessment.

(05/20/08) The legal consultation fee was approved and the letter has been mailed to the owners. Item complete.

Graffiti on 111 Steps

(04/28/08) MA to clean up the graffiti.

(05/20/08) Item complete.

Bad Smell in 107

(04/28/08) MA investigated the smell, caps were tightened, but no explicit problems were found. Doug will report if he detects the smell again.

(05/20/08) Smell is gone. Item complete.

(10/21/08) DM and BG again noticed a strong smell of the sewer in the morning hours in building 107. There is speculation that the smell is from the 107 laundry, or from sewage backing up in the morning rush. Unit 107-20a had to have the drain cleared, and during the procedure a camera was run down the drain. Our buildings are on 4 times/year drain clearing schedule. MA to let the board know next time the drain clearing work occurs, so that we can see if the time of the smell correlates to when the drain clearing is performed.

(11/18/2008) The drain was cleared out today, 11/18. DM will see if the smell is still present tomorrow.

(01/20/2009) Smell still occurring occasionally. DM mentioned that ventilation in skylight is not working and needs to be addressed.

(03/17/2009) The smell is still there, but not as bad. In February, John’s Sewer snaked the main sewer line in 107. The line has a few dips where water holds and at 83 feet line is possibly rotted at bottom. Also the 3 stacks on the roof were video inspected. The stack on the right has a small hole at about 48 ft from the room. Clean out is at 51 ft (white color). Doug inspected the Is the hole in the stack a possible cause of the smell, and can the hole be fixed? Inquire the drain companies. MA to ask Dave Modica and a plumber take a look and provide feedback on the video? Inquire about the possible rotted sewer line. After reviewing the video, DM thought that the middle pipe might also not be draining properly and maybe the cause of the smell.

(05/19/2009) The smell has been cleared for now. The city has cleared out the sewers. Will monitor to see if the smell returns.

(06/16/2009) Smell has lessened to a large degree, but longer term a back-flow valve need to be installed.

(08/18/2009) Doug and Bill have not noticed the bad smell for awhile. Item complete.

(04/20/2010) The smell has returned in 107 (see email from 4/15). The smoke test will be performed to determine where the sewage smell comes from and how bad the damage might be. Smoke test is currently scheduled for Thursday if the city sewage lines are cleared by then on the corner of Queensberry and Jersey Streets.

(05/18/2010) The city attempted smoke test. However something is still blocking the drain. Board was given the phone number of Mike Ross, City council, to call and inquire about if BWSC can move on testing their own drain lines. Dave M indicated that the problem was likely to be on the BWSC lines. So the board will hold on hiring drain company to camera 107’s main drain line until BW&S can camera their sewer lines on the street. BW&S is to let Dave Modica know when they have camera their lines on the street. Dave Modica will continue to call BW&S to learn when their lines have been camera. The association has already paid $1,840 for plumbers to be there with no smoke coming into 107/111, so we want to be sure city does their end well this time.

(06/15/2010) BW&S was at the building yesterday and today with a full crew and a police detail. BW&S was able to pump down far enough to access our lines. BW&S performed a dye test and the dye came back into the BW&S lines; therefore, they were able to determine that the water is flowing from the buildings to the BW&S lines.

BW&S performed a camera test and saw no breaks in the lines. However, there may be a sag in one of our lines, so more investigation is needed. BW&S will gives us their full report.

Questions for Dave Modica
  • When will the BW&S report become available, and would it be possible to get the report by the end of the week?
  • Why did JMechanical charge the association twice?--$1840 and $1780
(07/20/2010) David Modica has been working hard to get this solved. Due to the recent weather, there has been no available manpower to do anything in recent weeks. David has been assured that as soon as possible, there will be another camera test which will investigate a different area.
Still waiting for the report from BW&S.

Doug thinks that there maybe cracks in the foundation or cracks in the sewage pipe. Doug proposes to cut away part of the ceiling in the laundry room where he thinks the pipe is, investigate if there are any cracks, and seal them with cement. Doing that might stop the smell. Doug thinks that the smell is trapped between the 1st floor and the basement ceiling. MA to discuss this solution with David Modica, confirm where the pipe is, and see if this can be done.

MA will repeat the request for the report from BW&S.

Bill has not detected the smell since BW&S has been on site.

JM Mechanical: David Modica has indicated that he does not believe we can get either of the two invoices reduced because the smoke tests were ordered, and the manpower utilized.

(08/17/2010) The BWS contractors have found the problem. The pipe in the street is not only sagging, but also collapsing.
This is now a major problem that with effect the entire block. The city will now have to rip up the entire street from Queensberry to Perterbourgh in order to fix the problem. The time line for this work is not known, but the smell can intensify at times until the problem is repaired. David Modica continues to work with BWS to try to get some idea of what it is involved for going forward.

DM met with David Modica in the laundry room and looked into the cut in the slab. Failed pipe (in the street) was leaking and filling up the space under the slab. The town should fix the pipe.

Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters

(04/28/08) The bollards have been bent out of place again. MA to straighten them out and to pour concrete around them.

(05/20/08) The bollards have been straightened out, but not reinforced with concrete yet. David M. will discuss this with C&P when they are onsite.

(06/24/08) The bollards have been straightened out but not reinforced. David M. will work with C&P to see if they can be reinforced with concrete.

(07/15/08) Same.

(08/19/08) C&P has straightened the bollard, and will do something to stabilize it at no extra charge to the association.

(09/16/2008) Same.

(11/18/2008) Cement has been poured, and the bollards for straight for a few days. One bollard was bent again despite the cement. Waste Management is yet to contact KL. The board decided to cut down the bent bollard, and place reflective tape on top of the other two bollards.

(01/20/2009) Item complete.