Corinne Getchell (MA) --Modica Associates
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Second Means of Egress
Samples have been delivered to Modica, and the board approves the samples. MA to call and schedule the installation.
Window Replacement
107 Laundry Room Floor
Carpenter (Vogt & Company) did a proposal and submitted to MA, with the cost of $7600. The proposal includes carpentry, but does not include tiling, removing and reinstalling the washing machines. The laundry company will have to do the removal and reinstallation of the machines. The laundry company will not give the association more than $700-800. The estimate is approximately $52.77/sq. foot (based on 8x18 ft area).
Doug proposes to just fix the floor, and put down rolled goods. Currently the floor is a potential tripping hazard.
MA to ask the carpenter to price items 1-3 on the proposal, without preparing the floor for tiling (described in item 2), without new cabinets or counters, and without painting.
When the floor is lifted, it is likely that they will find rot in the joices. Joices will have to be replaced. This work would not be included in the estimate.
Deformation Monitoring Points (DMPs)
Doug spoke to Cullinan Engineering. We did not lose a lot of information. The work is not completely redundant. The measurements have to be done 3 times due to temperature variances. They have to do it 2-3 times to get an accurate measurement. Cullinan will invoice one time once the work is completed. The board approves the proposal. MA will contact Cullinan Engineering to proceed.
Bad smell in 107
Doug and Bill have not noticed the bad smell for awhile. Item complete.
2008 Financials
Bill met with MA’s accountant and redid the summary for 2008. Transfer from reserve and other expenses items have been cleaned up, and the totals have changed as a result. Bill proposes to add footnotes when the new financial summary is sent to the owners. MA will put the new financial summary in a digestable form for the owners. Bill created a summary of income and expenses for the masonry project. The following will be mailed to the owners: reconciliation of 2008 financial summary with the footnotes, the masonry project summary, and trustee voting forms.
Torn carpet in basement
The landscaper is still working on the proposal.
Security cameras
Doug did some investigation on the cameras, and found that the association can get 5 WiFi cameras for about $500. Anyone can access the cameras if he/she knows the IP address and the password. The ongoing cost would be electricity and IP address. This is not a high priority, so the item will be moved to the Long Term projects list. This project may be coupled with redoing the front doors.
111 Laundry Sink Tap Is Leaking
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
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