Saturday, November 7, 2009
Produce Market To Open Near By

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
September 15 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Second Means of Egress
Logan Grates has been given the go ahead and is in the process of making the grates. They will be in touch with MA when the grates are ready for installation.
Window Replacement
MA sent another letter to Hadco Window and Door on 9/3, but has not had a reply.
107 Laundry Room Floor
Vogt & Company (the carpentor/vendor whose proposal the association is considering) warns that roll-out/linoleum type floor is pourous, and if there are leaks, the floor maybe severely damaged or destroyed. The carpenter discussed the issue with Dave Modica, and both recommend installing tiled floor. DM estimates that the price difference between tile and linoleum may be over $1000, and the linoleum floor should last for several years. MA to get an estimate on both tile floor and linoleum floor to see what the actual cost may be and what the actual difference in price is. Plumbing is to be inspected when the floor is removed. DM requests that the material to be used for the subfloor is specified in the proposal.
Deformation Monitoring Points (DMPs)
Work has been completed. MA has the report, and the board has reviewed it. MA to ask David Modica to determine when the next time should be for checking the DMPs--two years, or possibly 6 months/1 year for the new DMPs.
2008 Financials
DM would like the cash flow report, sent out to the owners, to show clearly why the association experienced the net loss even though the income from the temporary fee increase collected more money than required for the masonry repairs. DM will email the changes to MA, and MA will mail the information to the owners.
Jim, BG and Corinne will work together to correct the 2009 cash flow report, but will not hold up the mailing to the owners for that.
Torn carpet in basement
The proposal has been submitted to MA for the board to review. Currently, one Emerald Arborvitae plant in front of the 107 laundry vent is not healthy, probably due to vent, so replacing it, as the proposal suggests, will not resolve the issue. MA to ask the landscaper how that problem can be resolved.
The cost of the materials and labor proposed is $2000. Due to lack of finances to do this work right now, MA to ask the landscaper if the work can be postponed till next spring.
111 Laundry Sink Tap Is Leaking
The threads on the tap are stripped, so the facet handles have to be replaced. Dave Modica estimates the cost to be $200-$250.
Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
107 sidearms are crumbling and falling apart. 111 sidearms also have problems, but are not in as bad shape as 107.
- Extra lentil sitting in the courtyard. MA to ask Chicorelli about it. It should probably not be left there, and should at least be moved down to the boiler room for safe storage.
- Outer door glass been broken in 107. The glass needs to be replaced.
- Front doors needs polish
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
(09/15/09) 107 sidearms are crumbling and falling apart. 111 sidearms also have problems, but are not in as bad shape as 107.
(08/17/2010) Chiccarelli and Pires has estimated repairs of the sidearms at $1,600.00 with the additional costs of permits. The board has reviewed the bid and approved it. MA to schedule the work sometime before November.
Monday, September 14, 2009
August 18 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Second Means of Egress
Samples have been delivered to Modica, and the board approves the samples. MA to call and schedule the installation.
Window Replacement
107 Laundry Room Floor
Carpenter (Vogt & Company) did a proposal and submitted to MA, with the cost of $7600. The proposal includes carpentry, but does not include tiling, removing and reinstalling the washing machines. The laundry company will have to do the removal and reinstallation of the machines. The laundry company will not give the association more than $700-800. The estimate is approximately $52.77/sq. foot (based on 8x18 ft area).
Doug proposes to just fix the floor, and put down rolled goods. Currently the floor is a potential tripping hazard.
MA to ask the carpenter to price items 1-3 on the proposal, without preparing the floor for tiling (described in item 2), without new cabinets or counters, and without painting.
When the floor is lifted, it is likely that they will find rot in the joices. Joices will have to be replaced. This work would not be included in the estimate.
Deformation Monitoring Points (DMPs)
Doug spoke to Cullinan Engineering. We did not lose a lot of information. The work is not completely redundant. The measurements have to be done 3 times due to temperature variances. They have to do it 2-3 times to get an accurate measurement. Cullinan will invoice one time once the work is completed. The board approves the proposal. MA will contact Cullinan Engineering to proceed.
Bad smell in 107
Doug and Bill have not noticed the bad smell for awhile. Item complete.
2008 Financials
Bill met with MA’s accountant and redid the summary for 2008. Transfer from reserve and other expenses items have been cleaned up, and the totals have changed as a result. Bill proposes to add footnotes when the new financial summary is sent to the owners. MA will put the new financial summary in a digestable form for the owners. Bill created a summary of income and expenses for the masonry project. The following will be mailed to the owners: reconciliation of 2008 financial summary with the footnotes, the masonry project summary, and trustee voting forms.
Torn carpet in basement
The landscaper is still working on the proposal.
Security cameras
Doug did some investigation on the cameras, and found that the association can get 5 WiFi cameras for about $500. Anyone can access the cameras if he/she knows the IP address and the password. The ongoing cost would be electricity and IP address. This is not a high priority, so the item will be moved to the Long Term projects list. This project may be coupled with redoing the front doors.
111 Laundry Sink Tap Is Leaking
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 16 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Distribute to:
Kristen Lipstreuer (KL) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
111 Mail Room for general information
Second means of egress
Waiting on second sample for approval.
107 laundry room floor
Modica to get bids for new floor and investigate installation of back flow valve.
Deformation Monitoring Points (DMPs)
Doug will call Cullinan to clear up questions concerning new work. Will give Corrine a call to move ahead with work if satisfied with responses.
Smell has lessened to a large degree, but longer term a back-flow valve need to be installed
Dead Tree in Front of 107
New tree planted. Item Complete.
2008 Financials
Suggestion that statements include a current balance sheet that reflect actual assets puchased by the trust beside just cash. Still waiting for final balance on exterior work.
Torn carpet in basement
Still waiting on proposal.
Security cameras
Doug to investigate WiFi camera.
111 Laundry Sink Tap Is Leaking
Have asked that plumber move sink valve handles to 9 and 3 o'clock.
These minutes are written to Doug’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
May 19 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Structural Needs Assessment Report
All items listed by the independent engineer's report have been repaired. So Chicarelli & Pires was paid the remaining $10,000 on April 29. Item Complete.
Second Means of Egress
Logan Grates began installation, but MA realized that a wrong type of grate was being used. Logan Grates will provide another sample for approval before installing.
Window Replacement
107 Laundry Room Floor
MA is continuing to negotiate with ALS (Automatic Laundry Services). $750 that ALS has agreed to give to the association to fix the floor is not enough. MA will ask ALS if ALS knows anyone who would do that kind of work for only $750, or try to negotiate a larger amount. When the floor is removed, the plumbing underneath needs to be investigated. It is possible that the smell in 107 is caused by drain water backing up. One suggested solution is to install a backflow preventor.
Bad Smell in 107
The smell has been cleared for now. The city has cleared out the sewers. Will monitor to see if the smell returns.
Dead Tree in Front of 107
Same. Doug has offered to purchase a ginko tree. The landscaper (Malkasian) provided an estimate of $250 that includes installation of the tree only. (The amount is higher because the stump of the old tree has to be dug out.) MA to ask Malkasian for the total estimate on purchase, delivery and installation of the tree.
Torn Carpet in the Basement
Dave Modica is investigating.
2008 Financials
Bill is working with Modica's accountant to reformat the monthly financial statements to make them easier to understand. Bill and Doug are also working to reorganize the financials for mailing out to the owners. So far the following problems have been identified: 1) balance sheets need to match the assets; 2) certain column items are superfluous and can be removed from the budget comparisons; 3) bank statements do not reflect the cut checks that have not yet been cached by the payee.
Doug and Corinne met with Rick Malkasian. The association plans to use $1500-$2000 this year (in addition to what is normally allocated for landscape maintenance) to plant and fix landscaping starting from the Queensberry Street alley to Jersey St. The trustees are now waiting for a specific proposal. MA to ask the landscaper about the timeframe.
NOTE: The tree in front of 111 Jersey needs to be pruned--it is too low to the ground. It also needs to be treated. MA to speak to an arborist about treatment.
Deformation Monitoring Points (DMP's)
Cullinan Engineering provided an estimate to create 7 new Deformation Monitoring Points (DMP's) to replace the ones destroyed during the masonry and structure works, set the baseline for the new points, and do a regular reading on all 37 points for $4275. Previously, the association has been paying approximately $2000 for reading and computation. The last reading was taken in February, 2007. Trustees have questions on the work proposed by Cullinan Engineering. On point 2 in the estimate proposal—does this imply 2 separate readings? How far apart will the readings be? If the readings are done at the same time, then why do we need 2 readings done? On point 3 in the estimate proposal—would this be the 3rd time readings are taken on the 7 new DMPs? How will this be billed?
111 Laundry Sink Tap Is Leaking
MA plumber has looked at the leak, but the tap is still leaking. Also the faucet handle shut off position is too close to a hose.
Security Cameras
A system can cost anywhere between $4000 and $15000. Some of the variables are whether the system is digital; how an incident is handled; who would review the recordings. Once a system is installed the options are to sign up for a maintenance plan or to pay a fee to review the recordings when an incident occurs. Further investigation of cameras installation will be put on hold until the 107 laundry room floor issues are resolved.
- The glass in the 111 Jersey entry door has recently been broken and replaced 3 times. The glass cost approximately $370 per door
- Regular carpet cleaning was done
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Deformation Monitoring Points
(06/16/2009) Doug will call Cullinan to clear up questions concerning new work. Will give Corrine a call to move ahead with work if satisfied with responses.
(08/18/2009) Doug spoke to Cullinan Engineering. We did not lose a lot of information. The work is not completely redundant. The measurements have to be done 3 times due to temperature variances. They have to do it 2-3 times to get an accurate measurement. Cullinan will invoice one time once the work is completed. The board approves the proposal. MA will contact Cullinan Engineering to proceed.
(2010, March update since 09/2009) MA checked with Dave Modica and he suggested checking every two years with the existing DMPs and every year for the new ones. However if new construction is going to continue on Boylston, the board may want the existing DMPs to be checked sooner.
(03/16/2010) The board wants to have all the DMPs checked this year (both the new and the old ones), and afterwards the board wants to have all the DMPs checked every two years. Item complete.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
111 Laundry sink tap is leaking
(06/16/2009) Have asked that plumber move sink valve handles to 9 and 3 o'clock.
(08/18/2009) Same.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Red Sox Opening Day Flyover
Thursday, March 19, 2009
March 17 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Structural Needs Assessment Report
An independent engineer provided a report on the masonry work. In general everything was done well. Dave Modica will review the report and email the board his comments. The report points out a few oversights (e.g. page 10, photo 6, shows that the 111 Jersey entrance cornice has not been repaired). Chicarelli & Pires was paid all except $10,000. MA will continue to withhold the $10,000 until the items pointed out by the independent engineer’s report are fixed.
MA to check on when we last looked at the building settlement points.
Second Means of Egress
Window Replacement
Still waiting on refund from Hadco. Logan Grates will fix the grids.
107 Laundry Room Floor
ALS (Automatic Laudry Services) came and looked at the floor. ALS will give us $750 to fix the floor. When the floor is removed, we will need to investigate the drain pipes underneath to see if larger pipes have to be installed.
Our contract with ALS does not expire until 2014. Laundry breakdown: 55% to ALS, 45% to QCT.
Bad Smell in 107
The smell is still there, but not as bad. In February, John’s Sewer snaked the main sewer line in 107. The line has a few dips where water holds and at 83 feet line is possibly rotted at bottom. Also the 3 stacks on the roof were video inspected. The stack on the right has a small hole at about 48 ft from the room. Clean out is at 51 ft (white color). Doug inspected the Is the hole in the stack a possible cause of the smell, and can the hole be fixed? Inquire the drain companies. MA to ask Dave Modica and a plumber take a look and provide feedback on the video? Inquire about the possible rotted sewer line. After reviewing the video, DM thought that the middle pipe might also not be draining properly and maybe the cause of the smell.
Dead Tree in Front of 107
Torn Carpet in the Basement
AJ Rose Carpets will look at the problem this week. MA to ask them for a recommendation to possibly tear out that section of the carpet and replace it, or cover it with a “throw” type carpet matt.
2008 Financials
Bill is working with Modica's accountant to straighten out and simplify our financials. MA to send out the trustee ballots to the owners by mail (no quorum at the annual meeting), together with the financials in about two weeks.
The board is again reviewing the landscape design.
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Entrance Lobbies
Security Cameras
(05/19/2009) A system can cost anywhere between $4000 and $15000. Some of the variables are whether the system is digital; how an incident is handled; who would review the recordings. Once a system is installed the options are to sign up for a maintenance plan or to pay a fee to review the recordings when an incident occurs. Further investigation of cameras installation will be put on hold until the 107 laundry room floor issues are resolved.
(06/16/2009) Doug to investigate WiFi camera.
(08/18/2009) Doug did some investigation on the cameras, and found that the association can get 5 WiFi cameras for about $500. Anyone can access the cameras if he/she knows the IP address and the password. The ongoing cost would be electricity and IP address. This is not a high priority, so the item will be moved to the Long Term projects list. This project may be coupled with redoing the front doors.
Gas Furnaces
Monday, March 2, 2009
February 24 - Annual Meeting Of Unit Owners
Operating : $ 444.94
Reserve: $56,077.90
A/P: $62,274.79 ($50K payable to Chicarelli & Pires and $12,274.79 to the Reserve Account)
- details will go out to the owners after the board reviews
2008 Year End Figures
- owners (Paul) request a revised/decipherable YTD Actual/YTD Budget that reflects 12 month totals (collected/spent/etc), not the 18 month project (How much expected to come in? How much actually came in, etc?)
Other questions on the financial statement:
- Transfer to Reserve-Assessment line --> confusing
- From Reserve
- Other Income
- Suggestion to separate out regular budget from the temp. fee increase and masonry costs
2009 Budget
- March is the last month of the temporary fee increase
- The condo fees go back to their original levels--no fee increase for 2009
- Q: Who pays for the water used by the laundry machines
A: The association does.
- Q: What kind of warranty (# of years) does Chicarelli provide on their work?
A: The information is in the spec--what kind of mortar was supposed to be used, etc.
- Bank Charges should be $0, because we switched banks
- Insurance was locked in for 3 years
- Q: When were the boilers replaced? Teddy thinks about 10 years ago. Doug thinks that information is noted on the boiler.
- Q: What is the breakup between water and sewer
A: Sewer is about twice as much as the water
- Q: What is the purpose of having a higher reserve
A: Emergency funds, guidelines for associations
- Q: What is the projected reserve total for the end of the project/temp. fee increase (end of March)? What is the projected reserve total for the end of 2009? What was the reserve prior to the temp. fee increase?
Masonry Project Review
- Engineer did a walk through, the board just received the report
- The report will go out to the owners with the minutes from this meeting
- From all the work that was done, we only had one add-on for $3600 (fire escapes)
Old Business
Window Grids on Garden Level Bedroom Windows have been fabricated and are ready for installation, weather permitting. Access to units will be required to ensure safety lock operates correctly. Cost is $3,150.00 installed.
New Business
- Heat
-- What happened with the heat in December?
-- Strange, that only one person complained
- 107 Laundry room floor
-- We are aware of the problem with the floor, and the laundry company is working with us to redo the floor
-- Q: Are dryer connections up to code?
-- The laundry company services the machines, but the management/association has to clean the dryer vents
- Drain in the courtyard in the wrong place, and the courtyard tends to flood
- Max noticed the 107 smell (107-11)
-- 107-7 owner also noticed the smell
- Max noticed an infestation of mice in his unit (107-11). He set out some traps, and the mice have gone away. If the problem reoccurs, Max will notify Modica for the unit to be treated.
- Need to add the TO DO list to the blog
Election of Trustees
Board Members Douglas McClennen, Helen Chigirinskaya, Bill Gentz, Kristen Lipstreuer and Dave Sherf have all volunteered to serve another one-year term. Modica did not receive any trustee nominations.
- Teddy volunteers to be a trustee
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
January 20 Meething
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
111 Mail Room for general information
2008 Finances
Corrine will have final numbers for Feb meeting. Bill asked for copies bank statements for the full year 2008.
Structural Needs Assessment Report
Nothing further on Lentil on exit at 111. Dave to meet with engineer Thursday Jan 22nd. Bill asked that engineer give his general impressions of the condition of the building.
Second Means of Egress
Grates are finished but Logan grate needs access to units to install. Corrine will schedule.
Damanged Bollards by the Dumpsters
Item Complete.
Window Replacement
Window Paining has been repaired. Waiting for Logan grate to reinstall.
107 Laundry Room Floor
Proposal by DM to motion at owners meeting that we consider reconfiguring entire space including storage locker area and boiler room to be more efficient. Including replacing current inefficient gas systems. Will ask owners for feed back on whether to hire engineer to make proposal.
Dead Tree in Front of 107
Bad Smell in 107
Smell still occurring occasionally. DM mentioned that ventilation in skylight is not working and needs to be addressed.
Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement
Item Complete.
Moped in the Courtyard
Removed. Item Complete.
Torn Carpet in the Basement
Corrine to call Braintree rug to look into replacing torn rug in basement.
- DM sent email regarding installing security camera
- DM asked to have Feb Trustee meeting scheduled for 24th instead of 17th
These minutes are written to Douglas’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
2008 Financials
(03/17/2009) Bill is working with Modica's accountant to straighten out and simplify our financials. MA to send out the trustee ballots to the owners by mail (no quorum at the annual meeting), together with the financials in about two weeks.
(05/19/2009) Bill is working with Modica's accountant to reformat the monthly financial statements to make them easier to understand. Bill and Doug are also working to reorganize the financials for mailing out to the owners. So far the following problems have been identified: 1) balance sheets need to match the assets; 2) certain column items are superfluous and can be removed from the budget comparisons; 3) bank statements do not reflect the cut checks that have not yet been cached by the payee.
(06/16/2009) Suggestion that statements include a current balance sheet that reflect actual assets puchased by the trust beside just cash. Still waiting for final balance on exterior work.
(08/18/2009) Bill met with MA’s accountant and redid the summary for 2008. Transfer from reserve and other expenses items have been cleaned up, and the totals have changed as a result. Bill proposes to add footnotes when the new financial summary is sent to the owners. MA will put the new financial summary in a digestable form for the owners. Bill created a summary of income and expenses for the masonry project. The following will be mailed to the owners: reconciliation of 2008 financial summary with the footnotes, the masonry project summary, and trustee voting forms.
Friday, January 16, 2009
November 18 Meeting
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information
Structural Needs Assessment Report
BG noted that mortar sunk in in the alley on Queensberry side of the building. Mortar does dry and shrink during some number of days. DM noted a lentil on the Jersey Street side on the terrace level, on the right as you exit 111. The lentil looks like it has had major repairs some time in the past—should it be replaced? MA to look into hiring an engineer to do a final walk-through. MA to send cost estimates for the engineer before the board approves the hiring.
Second Means of Egress
Still waiting for the final pricing from Logan Grate. MA expects that Logan Grate will not charge extra to replace the 111-2 grid. (See Window Replacement section for more details.)
Damaged Bollards by the Dumpsters
Cement has been poured, and the bollards for straight for a few days. One bollard was bent again despite the cement. Waste Management is yet to contact KL. The board decided to cut down the bent bollard, and place reflective tape on top of the other two bollards.
Window Replacement
Several windows on 107 Jersey first floor and 111-2 windows do not have grids. At least one window's panning is cut around the metal rod. In these windows, the iron pins are in the mortar too close to the window. So the window panning was notched to expose the iron stud. The iron grid should be drilled into the brick. MA will work with Logan Grates to replace the grids. The panning then can be redone.
MA spoke to 111-2 owner and Hadco on 11/3. Hadco acknowledged that they were paid. MA still working to get the association's money refunded.
107 Laundry Room Floor
Dead Tree in Front of 107
We are on the city's "inspection list"--they will come to make sure it is actually dead.
Bad Smell in 107
The drain was cleared out today, 11/18. DM will see if the smell is still present tomorrow.
Issues in the Monthly Financial Statement
Bank statement balance differs from the operating budget because checks may have been cut, but have not yet cleared. Item Complete.
Moped in the Courtyard
There was a moped by the Queensberry alley gate. Notice went to that one. There is one more in the courtyard--MA will put out a notice for it to be removed.
Locking in Oil Price
Locked in at $2.49. Item Complete.
Torn Carpet In The Basement
Carpet is shredded across from Unit 20-A, probably from the vacuum cleaner.
- MA has sent out a reminder to remove AC units out of the windows, but AC units are still in.
- Fire escape has bricks and/or some other items on the 4th floor balcony of building 107.
- There was a hot water outage on 11/16 because circulator pump was down (gas furnaces).
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.