Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Security Cameras

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Suggestion to install security cameras.

(05/19/2009) A system can cost anywhere between $4000 and $15000. Some of the variables are whether the system is digital; how an incident is handled; who would review the recordings. Once a system is installed the options are to sign up for a maintenance plan or to pay a fee to review the recordings when an incident occurs. Further investigation of cameras installation will be put on hold until the 107 laundry room floor issues are resolved.

(06/16/2009) Doug to investigate WiFi camera.

(08/18/2009) Doug did some investigation on the cameras, and found that the association can get 5 WiFi cameras for about $500. Anyone can access the cameras if he/she knows the IP address and the password. The ongoing cost would be electricity and IP address. This is not a high priority, so the item will be moved to the Long Term projects list. This project may be coupled with redoing the front doors.

1 comment:

Kevin Kelly said...

In light of the break ins last week maybe some type of security camera would be a good idea.

I also think the main door at 111 Jersey isn't very secure. From the look of the chisel marks on it I wonder if the burglers pried open the door and weren't let in by someone that lives in the building.