Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2008 Financials

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(01/20/2009) Corrine will have final numbers for Feb meeting. Bill asked for copies bank statements for the full year 2008.

(03/17/2009) Bill is working with Modica's accountant to straighten out and simplify our financials. MA to send out the trustee ballots to the owners by mail (no quorum at the annual meeting), together with the financials in about two weeks.

(05/19/2009) Bill is working with Modica's accountant to reformat the monthly financial statements to make them easier to understand. Bill and Doug are also working to reorganize the financials for mailing out to the owners. So far the following problems have been identified: 1) balance sheets need to match the assets; 2) certain column items are superfluous and can be removed from the budget comparisons; 3) bank statements do not reflect the cut checks that have not yet been cached by the payee.

(06/16/2009) Suggestion that statements include a current balance sheet that reflect actual assets puchased by the trust beside just cash. Still waiting for final balance on exterior work.

(08/18/2009) Bill met with MA’s accountant and redid the summary for 2008. Transfer from reserve and other expenses items have been cleaned up, and the totals have changed as a result. Bill proposes to add footnotes when the new financial summary is sent to the owners. MA will put the new financial summary in a digestable form for the owners. Bill created a summary of income and expenses for the masonry project. The following will be mailed to the owners: reconciliation of 2008 financial summary with the footnotes, the masonry project summary, and trustee voting forms.

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