Thursday, August 1, 2013

Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
July 23,  2013

Pursuant to the Article V.  Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.

Those Present:  Ning Hernandez and Jeff Schwarz , Trustees
Sheryl Kelly participated via telephone
David Sherf  and Michael Grappo were not present

Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates  

The meeting was called to order at 6:40PM.   


The June financial report was sent out electronically in advance of the meeting.  The balance sheet as of June 30, 2013,   reflects $8,722 in the operating account and $67,519 in reserves.    With the exception of one unit owner, everyone is current with their condo fees.   As of June 30th, 2013  the association has a net profit of $2,267 for the month and a net profit of $3,194 thus far six months through the fiscal year.   The association is current with all operating bills.    


Dumpsters on site – The addition of an extra (2) yard container has alleviated the trash over flow issue.   Sheryl noted that the area under the dumpsters is not consistently clean and often times there is debris caught behind and under the containers.   Pam stated she would speak with the maintenance crew concerning this.

It was noted that often times, trash is found mixed in with the recycling containers.   Pam suggested circulating a memo but the consensus of the trustees was that a memo would not do any good.   It was suggested that we simply discontinue recycling altogether but Pam stated that would result in the City curtailing trash pick up that would result in the association having to pay a private trash removal company.    Thus far the building has not be cited for recycling violations and the City has been emptying the containers.     

The vendor needed to have the carpet sent out to be bound in order to finish laying the carpet on the stairs.   Jeff noted that the carpet was being installed differently on the stairs and was not pleased stating that there was no edge exposing the wood stairs.   Pam questioned this since the carpet was being sent out to be bound to allow for this.    The carpet installer advised that the installation should be complete by Friday, July 26th.   The association has not paid any monies as a deposit for the carpet.  

Signs “Please Keep Gate Closed: have now been put on all gates.   Ning and Jeff believe they have made a difference.   


The association has a new landscaping company this year, Green Pea Urban Gardens.    Although this vendor will probably cost more money than the budget allows, Pam will work with the vendor to keep down the costs.   Pam suggested  that the trustees may want to consider purchasing some perennials, that would be an investment since they would come up year after year and add some color to the garden.   The trustees agreed to allow Peggy

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Prentice to purchase  perennials of her choice, to embellish the garden at a cost not to exceed $300.


Pam told the trustees that she had recently received Final Notice from the Water Department regarding the lack of a back flow prevention device in building 107.    Ning and Jeff did not recall this being discussed.   Pam stated that she had sent the trustees the original notice when the building was cited in May.    Sheryl checked her old e-mails and found that the trustees were notified of this requirement .    Pam told the trustees that this would be costly and would obtain estimates.

On a positive note, the vandal responsible for breaking the glass in the door in the spring will be reimbursing the association $600, for the cost the association incurred for cleaning up the glass on the weekend and replacing it.  The courts indicated that the defendant must repay the sum in six months.                 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10PM.  

Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
May 29,  2013

Pursuant to the Article V.  Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.

Those Present:  Michel Grappo , Ning Hernandez, Sheryl Kelly and Jeff Schwarz , Trustees
David Sherf were not present
Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates 
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM.  


The April financial report was sent out electronically in advance of the meeting.  The balance sheet as of April 30, 2013,   reflects $4,080 in the operating account and $64,804 in reserves.    With the exception of one unit owner, everyone is current with their condo fees.  

Due to the meeting taking place very late in the month,  Pam furnished the trustees with a balance sheet as of May 29th, after all bills had been paid, reflecting $5,980 in operating and $64,804 in reserves.    The owner of the delinquent unit has listed the property for sale so the association will be receiving the aging receivable amount of $2,665.    The association has no aged payables and the reserve account has been funded in accordance with the budget. 


Dumpsters on site – the association purchased an additional dumpster and had another dumpster repaired.    The area seems to be much cleaner.    The addition of an extra (2) yard container has alleviated the trash over flow issue.

Self-Closing Mechanisms for (3) rear gates.    (3) different lock companies were approached regarding the installation of a self-closing mechanism to ensure that these gates are closed and locked.    More often than not the gates are left wide open.    All (3) companies indicated that it would be expensive and require an iron worker to weld something on to the gate so the door closer could be mounted.    Since the closer would be exposed to the elements, there would be no warranty or guarantee on the work performed.    The trustees agreed to abandon the idea of a door closer and requested that signs be mounted on the gates stating “please keep gate closed” as an alternative.

Carpet Installation – the trustees have made a carpet selection,  Patcraft Famous Last Words II #IO147 Results May Vary # 47500.   The carpet has been ordered and will be installed shortly.   The vendor, Bradford Carpet, has indicated that he will need to apply “levelastic” to the cracks in the concrete that will add an additional $800 to the cost of replacing the carpet.    One of the trustees expressed  concern with the hallway in building 107 that leads down to the laundry.    It was decided that the trustees walk over after the meeting and evaluate the situation.   Modica is also obtaining a proposal from a contractor to better level the floor in this area.   Once received it will be forwarded to the board so a decision can be made and the carpet installed. 


There had been discussion about replacing the mailboxes.    Pam provided (2) proposals to replace mailboxes in both buildings.  Total Security $3,723.75, SRV $4,363.88.     The consensus of the trustees was that it was too costly a project to entertain.   

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The last order of business was Landscaping.    Both Ning and Sheryl were in favor of accepting the proposal furnished by Peggy Prentice of GreenPea Urban Gardens.    Jeff noted that total outlined in the proposal exceeds the budget allocated for landscaping.     Pam to work with Peggy to work within the budget.     Sheryl reminded Pam to follow up with Peggy on her offer plant the urns out front at no cost to the association due to the length of time it took to obtain the proposal.

Michael Grappo stated that he would not be able to meet on Monday’s during the summer.    The next board meeting will be Monday, July 15th, 2013.  

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30PM. 

Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary

Queensberry Condominium Trust

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
March 11, 2013

Pursuant to the Article V.  Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust,  a special meeting in lieu of the annual meeting of unit owners was held on Monday,  March 11,  2013, at 7:00PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.

Those Present:  Ning Hernandez 111-05, Sheryl Kelly 111-19, Jeff Schwarz  111-17 and Michael Grappo 107-4 & 107-8, Trustees

Sarah Park  106-6, Max Compagnon  107-11 (proxy Michael Grappo), Michael Vounatsos  107-9 & 107-15 (Proxy Sheryl Kelly)  Robert Mersereau 111-12, Ria Jauw 111-14 , & Richard Bettano 111-15, Unit Owners

Pamela Pendias,  Modica Associates 

23.74%  of the beneficial interest was present either in person or by proxy.   Since a quorum was not present no formal business could be conducted.  An informational meeting was held for those owners who were present.

Pam  called the meeting  to order at 7:10 PM.  


Owners were furnished with the balance sheet as of December 31, 2012,  reflecting $5,577 in the operating account and $59,373  in the reserve (savings) account.    At Year End the association was current with all operating bills and with the exception of one owner, everyone is current with their condo fees.

For the most part the budget was accurate and condominium fee revenues  are sufficient to meet operating expenses.    Line items that were significantly over budget include oil and capital repairs .   The building converted to gas last year so the line item for oil was eliminated in the operating budget for 2012.   However the association paid for December oil deliveries in January resulting in an overage of $9,409.   The other item that exceeded budget was capital repairs,$81,355,  since nothing was budgeted for this line item.    The association made two notable capital improvements to the building last year;  the courtyard at the rear of the property was replaced and new drainage installed  to eliminate standing water and the wrought iron  railing running along the perimeter of the property was replaced.   Both projects cost $15,100  each for a total of $30,200. 

The association had two insurance losses last year.   In January 2012 one of the heating boilers cracked.    A claim was filed under the master policy for the building to help defray the cost of furnishing and installing a new heating boiler $30,000.    There is a $15,000 deductible under the master policy,    There was also an insurance claim filed in June 2012 when  two different pipe  breaks were discovered  under the floor of 111-20A.    While insurance does not cover the cost of repairing the lines, it does cover the cost of cosmetic repairs in the unit, replacing carpet  and floors that needed to be removed in order to access the two breaks in the pipe under the floor.     Other capital expenses include  $22,200, final payment to the contractor for  replacing roof in 2011 and lining the chimney $2,650 associated with the converting the building from oil to gas heating.    


Along with the year end figures owners were furnished with a new operating budget for F/Y 2013, which for the most part remains the same with no increase in condo fees.     Owners were furnished with a balance sheet as of February
28, 2013 along with copies of the bank reconciliation and bank statements reflecting $5,340 in the operating
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 (checking) account and $62,088 in the reserve (savings) account.

At the end of February, the association has a net loss of $237.   Items over budget at this time include gas, and snow removal which will even out as the year progresses.    The financial statements are done on a cash and not accrual basis.

The next item of business was the election of five trustees to serve a one-year term.    The incumbent trustees all indicated that they would be seeking re-election.    Pam stated that she had heard from no other unit owner wishing to serve as a trustee.     The incumbent trustees were all re-elected by acclamation by those unit owners present.


Pam noted that more often than not, the gates behind the rear of the property are left ajar.   Sara Park stated that tenants in the basement prop the rear doors and gate to the courtyard open to allow guests access for weekend parties and smoking in the courtyard.    The courtyard is a common area and smoking is not permitted in the common areas, hallways, stairwells, etc.   Sheryl Kelly suggested that Modica obtain a proposal for furnishing and installing door closers on all (3) gates as residents are not closing them.   Sheryl did note a problem with the gate at 107 Jersey Street not latching.   Pam stated she would look into it and have it repaired.    

Richard Bettano suggested the name of a local landscaper the association may wish to consider using this year to spruce up curb appeal.    Pam said she would call, Peggy Prentice at Green Pea Gardens for an estimate.  

Pam was informed that a new tenant moved into 111-16 recently.    Unfortunately investor owners often times neglect to inform management when there is a change in occupancy in their respective units.    Sheryl suggested that Modica draft a letter for new tenants informing them of the building rules governing trash, quiet hours, monthly pest control, removal of A/C’s and need to register bikes.     Pam to contact the owner of 111-16, get the name of the tenant ane charge the owner the requisite $150 move-in fee.     The only real control Modica has is when new residents call requesting to be listed on the directory located in the foyer of each building.  

Someone asked about the pipes in the courtyard.   Pam stated that they were kept for the insurance company so they could see the damage associated with the corroded steam pipes resulting in the most recent insurance loss for the association.   

Sheryl had questions about the costs associated with snow removal and did not see any consistency in the billing.   Pam stated that there were up charges for removing snow on weekends and holidays but will send Sheryl and all board members a copy of the snow removal services that Modica has been providing at the building.

Robert  Mersereau asked if something could be done about the ponding water on the sidewalk at the entrance to the courtyard suggesting that the drain should be checked in that area.   Modica will arrange for this.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at  7:50 PM. 

Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Minutes of the Trustee Meeting
Queensberry Condominium Trust
January 30, 2013

Pursuant to the Article V.  Section 5.9 of the By-Laws of Queensberry Condominium Trust, a monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on Wednesday, January 30, 2013, at 6:30PM at the offices of Boston Choice Properties, 125 Jersey Street, Boston, MA.

Those Present:  Ning Hernandez, Sheryl Kelly and Jeff Schwarz , Trustees
Michel Grappo and David Sherf were not present
Pamela Pendias , Modica Associates 

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.  


The December financial report was sent out electronically in advance of the meeting.  The balance sheet as of December reflects $5,577 in the operating account and $59,373 in reserves.    Sheryl commented that the association had more money $70,986 in November than the end of December $64,950.   Pam stated that it was due to the operating account having $27,878 as a result of double condo fees, an extra $13,500 that was due the month of October.    In actuality, the association has more money ($16,265) in reserves as compared to $43,106 in November.  

Sheryl had many questions on the financial reports.    Sheryl asked why General Landscaping was paid the sum of $224 in December for fall services.   Pam stated that the service provided was final fall clean up and that she would send the trustees a copy of the landscape contract for review.   However, it should be noted that the line item in the budget for landscaping was $2,400, and the association actually spent $2,008 for a savings of close to $400.    Sheryl inquired about Modica’s  $1,680 invoice  for replacing the heat timer in November.   Pam explained that the heat timer had failed and was replaced with a used one that Modica had on hand.   Sheryl asked for a detailed breakdown on Modica’s invoices showing labor and material.   Sheryl also asked why the bills the association was paying were paid to Modica.   Pam explained that Modica has a full time licensed and insured plumber on their payroll.    Since the plumber is a Modica employee, the invoice comes from Modica, and not an independent plumbing company.    Furthermore, it is beneficial for the association rather than having to be at the mercy of waiting for an independent plumbing company to respond.   In the event of any building emergency, Modica’s plumber is able to provide prompt service.    Sheryl asked about Modica’s invoice responding to a gas leak in November.   Pam reminded the trustees that the building received an emergency call from the gas company of a gas leak on a Sunday.   Modica had to meet the gas company to provide keys to the units that were suspected to be the source of the gas leak.   Had the leak not been found, the building would have had to be evacuated.    Sheryl asked about Modica’s $225 charge for delivering ice-melt.    Pam explained that Modica charges once a year for providing ice-melt at the front and rear entrances of both buildings.    Modica re-fills the ice-melt buckets as often as necessary during the course of the winter.   Sheryl opined that she would like to see actual invoices for the ice-melt.    In addition, Sheryl also asked to see receipts when the building is charged for Janitorial Supplies.   A question arose as to the $175 charge for repairing the ceiling in 107-2.   Pam explained that this unit owner had sent several lengthy e-mails along with engineering reports that the building was not structurally sound and that he had paid twice previously to repair the ceiling in his unit.    Pam checked the unit several times with the mason who re-pointed the building and nothing obvious could be found.  Moisture readings were taken in the unit and the only moisture that was detected was in the
right hand corner of the bay window approximately six inches square.    The moist area was cut out and left open to dry.   Once the area dried out, the hole was patched and repaired.    The area in question was in the vicinity of a steam pipe in the wall and could have retained moisture.    The consensus of the board was that repairs in units due to a common area should be handled consistently and that the association does not usually perform repairs in units.    

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Sheryl asked whether the owner of the unit with the air conditioner had been fined for keeping the air conditioner in the window.   Pam explained that the owner of the unit cannot remove the air conditioner since the building has settled not allowing him to remove it.    The trustees asked Pam to verify this with the owner.    Pam stated that she was to have done this however something had come up preventing her from meeting him on the designated day.   Pam will re-schedule with the owner to determine whether or not the air conditioner can be removed. 

There were two different steam leaks in January.   The first was a leaking return line that  ran under the concrete floor between 107 and 111.  This required the floor to be jack hammered in both buildings in order to access the leaking pipe to replace it.   The old pipes are in the courtyard for the trustees to see.   An insurance claim has been filed under the master policy for the building which should minimize costs to the association.   A second steam leak was found inside of 111-20A.    Service Master was called in to remove the old carpet and provide moisture readings in the unit to reassure the tenant who was very concerned about the possibility of residual moisture and mold.   The wall in the bedroom was removed and replaced, the bedroom re-painted.  The carpet in the bedroom was replaced as well. 

The association has not as yet released final payment in the amount of $9,100 for the railing.    There was some discussion as to the height – the railing is lower between the two buildings and higher on the sides.    The consensus of the trustees was to let the height matter drop.   However,   Sheryl stated that she thought the railing was already exhibiting signs of rust.    The trustees will examine the “rust” on the railing after the meeting.   


Ning had asked about mailboxes and who is responsible for them.    Mailboxes are provided by the condominium association but maintenance of the actual boxes themselves falls on the unit owner.   As an example, Modica does not have keys to the individual mailboxes.   If the lock breaks, or a tenant loses a mailbox key, it is the responsibility of the unit owner to replace the broken lock.    Pam had received a verbal estimate of $246.19 per group of (4) mailboxes and the association needs (12) for an estimate of approximately  $3,000 excluding installation.    The consensus of the trustees was that it was too costly a project to entertain.   

The last order of business was to schedule the date and time of the annual meeting of unit owners.    Board meetings are generally the 3rd Monday of every month but recently these Mondays have fallen on a holiday, January 21st, Martin Luther King Day, February 18th, is Presidents Day.   The following week Sheryl will be away, it was suggested that the meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, February 19th.    Pam to check her schedule and also check with Michael Grappo for his availability as to an annual meeting date.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50PM. 

Respectfully submitted by:
Pamela Pendias
Modica Associates
For the Recording Secretary
Queensberry Condominium Trust