Tuesday, November 9, 2010

October 19, 2010, Meeting

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Nancy (MA) --Modica Associates
Ning Hernandez (NH) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Bill Gentz (BG) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
Yelena Chigirinskaya (YC) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust

Distribute to:
Douglas McClennen (DM) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
David Sherf (DS) --Trustee, Queensberry Condominium Trust
107 Mail Room for general information
111 Mail Room for general information

Window Replacement
DS has not written the letter to HADCO yet, but indicates that the letter will go out by 10/20/2010.
(Later edit: DS and MA confirmed that the letter was sent on 10/20/2010).

107 Laundry Room Floor
MA has contacted Capuccio and Vogt and obtained their commitments to honor the original bid price from 2009. However, the board needs to determine if the scope of the project has to change--e.g. the fire wall has to be put in.  The board will discuss the issues with David Modica at the November meeting.

Note:  Our laundry contract will expire in 2013. $850 is still available (from extension of the contract). MA to determine if the laundry company will upgrade our washers and dryers now.

Bad Smell in 107

Terrazzo Sidearms Need Repairs
MA to schedule the work with Chiccarelli & Pires.  The work is expected to be completed sometime before the end of the year (before mid November). Temperatures have to be above 40F for the treatment to be effective.

Water Damage/Leaks Due to the March 15 Storm
Skylights for units 107-18 and 107-19 have been ordered.  Installation will take place once stock arrives from the factory. 

Repairing the ceiling in 107 common area is on hold until the skylights are fixed. 

Roof Replacement
RMX Northeast completed the roof study for our buildings and provided a proposal for a written spec that would cost $2000.  RMX Northeast were able to utilize the existing test cut performed by US Roofing Systems as a cost saver.  The result of the roof study served to confirm rather than add any value to the existing spec developed by Modica and Richard Roofing.  MA suggests that we do not need to hire RMX for $2000 to write the spec.

The board has the following questions for RMX Northeast:
  • Are the sewer vent pipes leaking into the building?
  • Why are they there?
  • What do we do about these pipes?

MA also to ask RMX to provide the board with engineering specs for another building as an example.

Insulations would be 2 inches--the industry standard.  There would be a choice in which materials to use. 
Repolishing Wood on the Front Doors
Crescent Paint provided a revised proposal ($4950, up from $3500) that includes carpentry work to ensure that the 107 door closes appropriately.  (DM and MA met with John Farley of Crescent Paint to review the specs.)

MA to negotiate with Crescent Paint to use the first proposal and to add the work to fix the jam at the originally proposed price ($3500). 

This work can wait untill spring.

MA brought three invoices to be reviewed by the trustees:
  • $1300.00 to service all heating and hot water boilers
  • $3577.50 to remove section of 4 inch cast iron main stack from basement ceiling in unit 1, and to perform additional work in unit 7. (The work was done on 09/09/10 and 09/10/10 and completed on Thursday 9/16/10. The invoice is for labor and materials.)
  • $395.00 to clean and flush all accessible traps in both buildings.
MA to check if all three of these invoices have accidentally been billed twice.

Budget for 2011
The budget will need to include an assessment based on $80K (roof $70K and reserve $10K). Fees will be increased by 8%.
  • Assessment may need to be higher to build up reserves further
  • How can we cut down on the office supplies costs?  MA to review what items were involved.
    • Can the board collect all owners' email addresses in order to make necessary announcements by email?  
  • MA raised management fees by $75/month
  • The $73K for capitol repairs might be a low estimate.
  • The board decided not to finalize the 2011 budget until November.  The letter about the assessment should go out to the owners next month. Assessment should be done over the first 6 months of the year.
  • The buildings' insurance – based on the new policy amount, includes earthquake
  • The recent mandate requires the association to transfer 10% of the income to reserves.  MA to talk to an attorney to understand what this means. $73K roof repairs can be part of that 10%. 
  • Landscaping
    • The board will consider changing landscaper
    • The board will consider not having regular maintaince done
    • Can janitors pick up trash in the garden;

  • Queensberry Street gate has been repaired by Ninos Iron Works, but it still squeeks.  (Later edit:  the gate has been fixed).
  • MA has received no further complaints regarding the presence of vagrants.  The board does not think the pot smoking/vagrants problem is serious enough to warrant outer door locks. People should call police if they see any issues.
  • Wires:  Dave Modica wanted to send certified letters before MA goes in to remove the wires and charge the owners. The letters have been sent out. Dave Modica will go in and remove the wires, if there is no compliance by 10/31/2010.
  • Faucet in 107—still needs to be fixed, but the water has been shut off for the winter.
  • The light in the courtyard is out.  Probably the bulb needs to be replaced.
  • Recycling in 107: Someone continues to put trash in the recycling bins. MA to move the recycling bins into the courtyard and put up signs to indicate the new location for the residents.
  • The board would like to present the list of expenses over $1000 at the owners meeting.
These minutes are written to Yelena’s best recollection. Please notify her of any discrepancies immediately.

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